Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Power #4!Green Lantern Hal Jordan has officially pushed his power to an unprecedented level with a feat so overpowered it makes some of Superman's Greatest achievements pale in comparison. However, there is one feat by the Man of Steel that can be measured against what the Emerald Knight has just achieved. Let the debate between the Green Lantern and Superman stance begin!
The last battle of the Absolute power Crisis event explodes in Mark Waid and Dan Mora Absolute power #4, and while the finale delivers many epic moments, It's Hal Jordan who really steals the show by single-handedly holding off the entire multiverse.
Fans after the event will remember that Absolute power #3 ended with the revelation that Waller had broken deals across the multiverse, enlisting villains in her personal multiverse army. As the battle rages in issue #4, the deals come to fruition, unleashing hundreds of villains through the multiverse portal. But when chaos threatens to overwhelm, Green Lantern steps up, pushing his power to unprecedented levels.
Green Lantern vs. the Multiverse: Hal Jordan single-handedly held off the Multiverse
Amanda Waller Unleashes the Multiverse in Absolute power #4
As villains from the multiverse run through the portal - including Earth-3's infamous Owlman and Ultraman - Green Lantern wants a construct to contain the breach, preventing the villains from passing through while Flash Barry Allen works to close it. The fact that Hal can single-handedly hold off an entire multiverse of villains is one of the most impressive and powerful feats. of any DC character. His willpower is pushed to the absolute limit, which becomes evident when his construction begins to crack under the immense strain. However, Green Lantern holds strong, refusing to give in.
Although Hal eventually calls for reinforcements, the way they provide aid only amplifies the magnitude of his feat rather than diminishing it. The depowered Flashes - Jay Garrick, Wally West, Bart Allen and Max Mercury - answer his call. When Hal admits he's low on will power, Jay responds, "Then let's add ours." The Flashes put their hands on Hal, 'lending' their willpower, which strengthens the construct Until Barry successfully completed their connection to the multiverse. While Hal received help in the last moments, it was still his power that held the entire multiverse back, making this an unfair achievement.
Green Lantern vs. Superman: Whose world-end saver is more impressive?
The Man of Steel contains a black hole in the palm of his hand JLA #77 (2003)
One of Superman's feats that most closely compares to Green Lantern holding off the multiverse is when Clark contained a black hole in the palm of his hand. This occurred in JLA #77 by Rick Veich, Darryl Banks, Wayne Faucher, and David Baron, where a device containing a small black hole was destroyed, forcing Superman to contain it in his hands before it could expand and destroy the planet. Superman has to stop the black hole until he can fly into space and launch it safely away from Earth.
This parallels Green Lantern's feat, as Hal contained an entire multiverse within the confines of his construct and only stopped once Flash severed the connection between their Earth and the multiverse. So, whose feat do you think was more overpowered -Green Lantern Or Superman's?
Absolute Power #4 is now available from DC Comics!
Absolute Power #4 (2024) |
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