Green Lantern reveals DC's most powerful Blue Lantern: Mrs.

Green Lantern reveals DC's most powerful Blue Lantern: Mrs.

Warning: Spoilers for DC's Batman Smells, Robin Laid an Egg #1!The most powerful Blue Lantern in the world Green Lantern the story has just been revealed in DC's new Christmas special. The Blue Lanterns have emerged as the DC Universe's most important heroes, arguably more important than the Green Lantern Corps. Characters like Saint Walker and Barbara Gordon have held the Blue Lantern mantle with pride and now another one joins them: Mrs. Blue Lantern.

In an unexpected partnership with John Stewart's Green Lantern Santa's wife Mrs. Carol Claus joins DC lore as the latest Blue Lantern in A.D Batman smells, Robin laid an egg Story #1 "Santa Claus' Oath?" by Dorado Quick, ML Sanapo, Arif Prianto and Dave Sharpe. In fact, the story reveals that Mrs. Claus was a Blue Lantern long before the events of this story.

Mrs. Claus performs some remarkable feats in this tale. That power – and being Santa's wife – alludes to the allure of what could be the most powerful Blue Lantern.

How does Mrs. Claus become Green Lantern's newest counterpart?

She got a blue lantern ring from Santa Claus

Comic art: Green Lantern John Stewart wearing the Dark Star Ring

Green Lantern's story begins on Christmas Eve as he patrols the cosmos. During this period, Toyman attacks, attacking Santa Claus on the busiest day of the year. As if that wasn't enough to solidify his status on the Naughty List, Toyman takes Santa to get fired. About that, John Stewart inserts himself into the story of Santa Claus when he sees an explosion in Metropolis. Instead of meeting Santa Claus, John meets Mrs. John is naturally skeptical that she is serious - until she tells him the true situation of her childhood Christmas presents.

Convinced, John Stewart offers Carol a temporary Green Lantern ring, but Mrs. Claus assures him that she doesn't need one - she has her own Power Ring, personally gifted by Mr.. John helps her find the ring on the sled, and within moments, Carol swears the Blue Lantern oath. Suddenly, she adorns a bright blue and white dress, sporting the Blue Lantern insignia as an emblem on her chest. This story may be her first superhero team-up as Blue Lantern, but it's far from Carol's first rodeo. She's eager to get in on the action with John.

What is Green Lantern's new friend capable of with the Blue Power Ring?

What Mrs. Claus does in this story

Comic panels: Mrs. Claus wearing Santa's Blue Lantern ring and John Stewart wearing his Green Lantern ring attack Toyman on Christmas Eve

From there, John Stewart uses his Green Lantern ring to manifest a sleigh (and a festive hat for the occasion) before riding it with Mrs. Claus, ready to confront Toyman for his evil deeds. John may have used the ultimate power of his ring to manifest the sled, but Carol uses her Blue Power Ring to manifest the sled's ropespiloting the contraption herself. It's not long before the pair find Toyman riding through the air on his robotic sled with robotic reindeer.

There's a lot of potential for the future - if Mrs. Claus returns to the DC Universe.

Sincerely, Dona Noel doesn't participate much in the actionalthough it's not like this Green Lantern needed her help to begin with. After all, it's Toyman. He may be one of Superman's most underrated foes, but he's also one of the weakest villains in any DC hero's rogues gallery. In any case, John gets rid of Toyman by throwing a Christmas tree construction at Toyman and his sleigh, stopping him. They retrieve the bag of gifts before locking Toyman in a cage. To her credit, Carol manifests a Blue Lantern coal construct in Toyman's cell.

How powerful is DC Comics' newest Blue Lantern, Mrs.

More than the comics might suggest

Comic Panels: Mrs. Claus uses her Santa-given Blue Lantern ring to give Toyman a lump of coal on Christmas Eve, after John Stewart puts him in a Green Lantern cell

On paper, it may be difficult for some readers to see what the hype surrounding Mrs. Claus being a Blue Lantern means. In fact, some may come away from this story wondering what the point would be in showing Mrs. Claus with a Blue Power Ring if she barely does anything with the ring. But it's not all in vain, like there is a lot of potential for the future - if Mrs. Claus returns to the DC Universe.

Given Santa's DC history as Batman's trainer, this won't be the last the DC Universe sees of Carol. This is also a good thing, because the story offers small hints that Mrs. Claus is capable of much more than she shows in this comic. For starters, before confronting Toyman, Carol says she holds "the power of hope." She could just be referring to the power of the Blue Lantern ring, which is powered by the Blue Light of Hope. With that in mind, it could also be more related to Christmas than anything else.

Carol, on the other hand, could be referring to the hope of every person who still believes in the Christmas spirit. It can even be a little of both, and in both cases, this level of hope holds a lot of power for those who wield it. Mrs. Claus, by extension of her husband, has the power of Christmas in her hands, with or without the Blue Lantern ring, and that has to count for something. This kind of power, besides holding a ring, is more power than any Green Lantern already kept for himself.

DC's Batman smells, Robin laid an egg #1 is now available from DC Comics.