Good luck getting the Official Animal Crossing cards every fan needs

Good luck getting the Official Animal Crossing cards every fan needs

Every Nintendo game series has some obscure merchandise, and in the case of Animal CrossingJust one example of this merchandise is Millefeuille cards. The Super retro items are elusive For buyers, especially since it has been almost twenty years since they were first released. Japan-exclusive, dark movie-bound ins, and only produced for a couple of years, These cards are the perfect storm to make a precious collector's item For dedicated Animal Crossing Fans.

Animal Crossing Players are no strangers to collectible cards and the struggles that come with trying to collect them all, however Millefeuille cards are a very special case. amiibo cards, another type of collectible Animal Crossing card, can also fetch high prices but are not nearly as rare and coveted as the Japan-exclusive Millefeuille cards.

What are Millefeiu cards?

A mid-2000s, Japan exclusive for the most hardcore fans

Millefeuille cards are a very unique type Animal Crossing Merchandise released in 2006. The collectible cards are partially transparent and come in packs of six cards, Each to be stacked to create fun scenes Use places and characters from the iconic Nintendo series. Putting together six cards will build a room with furniture, villagers, wallpaper, building exteriors, and extra details like villagers peeking out from behind houses or trees.

These incredibly cute cards allow fans to build scenes with endless combinations, Just like decorating their cities and houses in Animal Crossing, Which also makes them a very coveted collector's item. They have become a popular item online thanks to content creators like More Moriwhich showcases their collection in a YouTube shorts series.


These very unique collector's items were first released alongside the animated movie Based on Game Animal Crossing: Wild WorldWith the title gekijōban Doubutsu no MoriAbout a little girl who moved to a new town and befriends various villagers living there. The film was only released in Japan, so hereafter The promotional Millefeuille cards were also only ever released in Japan. The country-exclusive nature of these cards adds significantly to their desirability.

Buying Millefeuille cards in 2024 will not be easy

A rare set of cards from almost twenty years ago

Unfortunately, since it has been almost twenty years since the Millefeuille cards were released and with their exclusiveness to Japan, It's not incredibly surprising that the collector's items are very pricey On reseller sites like eBay. Any type of gaming collectible can get expensive after a while (or right away due to scalping) however Nintendo collectibles in particular always command a premium. No modern Animal Crossing Fans who want to go retro will have to be prepared to fork over a hefty wad of cash.

The price for a small collection of Millefeuille cards appears to be around $250 to $300 at the time of writing. The sets of cards are nowhere near complete, as most sellers only pass on a few cards at a time due to their rarity. Buying the cards in their original packaging is even more rare of an opportunity, as listings for unopened cards do not appear often. one seller fashionlady11did The entire set of 320 Millefeuille cards for sale for $9,999.00. That's practically a whole mortgage payment to Tom Nook, but it might be worth it for some highly dedicated fans.

Amiibo cards are a very different collectible for Animal Crossing

Both sets of cards, but with very different purposes

How many amiibo villagers animal crossing

collectible Animal Crossing Cards may sound familiar, and that's because it's a completely different type Animal Crossing Card that fans adore. The other cards are called amiibosAnd although they also come out as figures, the most collectible ones for fans are cards. until now, There were five series of amiibo cards For the whole Animal Crossing Series.

First released along Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer in 2015, amiibos are a scannable toy figure or card of a character from the series Like Isabelle or Tom Nook. Originally in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer On the Nintendo 3DS, amiibos are used to invite characters into the game And allow the player to design a house for this specific character.

Since then, amiibo have had various in-game functions in the Animal Crossing series, though The core function of scanning a figure or card To interact in some way with this specific character has remained the same, even in ACNH When inviting the same villager several times.


Animal Crossing amiibo came to more significant attention with the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons As the last release in the series became wildly popular. Since finding "dreams", which fans call their favorite villagers, has become incredibly important for players, amiibo cards have become much more important and highly sought after. however, Some of the most popular villagers are not yet available via amiibo cardsWhich potentially added to their popularity since players could only find them organically or through deep hunting across the desert islands.

Are Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards Worth Money?

The Stalk Market has nothing on the cards

Amiibo cards from Animal Crossing New Horizons

amiibo cards for Animal Crossing Are worth some moneyAlthough not nearly as much as Millefeuille cards. Specific characters that are particularly popular, like Marshall or Maple, may fetch higher prices between $15 and $25 online. Complete sets of amiibo cards from all five series, around 448 cards, are also selling for high pricesBut not nearly as much as a full set of Millefeuille cards.

The biggest reason that amiibo cards don't fetch the same high prices as millefeuille cards is due to the fact that, apart from being a much more recent and mass-produced type of merchandise, aMeibo cards can be replicated with NFC chips. Once upon a time Animal Crossing: New Horizons was a big hit, Fans are quick to create their own amiibo "cards" to sell to each other onlineThat diluted the market and made the official amiibo cards more of a collector's item than a necessity to achieve your ideal villager living situation.

amiibo cards are still subject to scalpingEspecially when Nintendo releases cards for exciting Animal Crossing Crossovers, like the Target-exclusive Sanrio cards, or for cards from beloved villagers like Raymond. However, since these cards are usually produced en masse, it doesn't take long for the price of even the most sought-after cards to drop.