Golden Bachelor heartbreaker Gary Turner tries to rub happiness in Theresa's face amid damaged reputation

Golden Bachelor heartbreaker Gary Turner tries to rub happiness in Theresa's face amid damaged reputation

The first The Golden Bachelor Lead, Gary Turner, rubs his happiness in his ex-wife Theresa Nest's face amid his damaged reputation. The Golden Bachelor Season 1 ran from late September 2023 to late November 2023 and had 9 regular episodes plus one reunion episode. Gary was with a cast of 22 eligible senior women during his season, and his last three were Theresa, Leslie Fima and Faith Martin. Ultimately, Gary blindsided Leslie and chose Theresa. The couple were married on January 3, 2024, but divorced in April 2024, which contributed to Gary's damaged reputation.

After divorce, Gary tried to fix his public perception but was Recently absent from social media for twenty days. He broke the Instagram ghosting by rubbing his happiness in Theresa's face by sharing a joyful post about his active and social lifestyle.

The Golden Bachelor Gary Turner's Instagram post with friends being active
Gary Turner/Instagram

In his post, Gerry shared a carousel of ten photos from an active outing he did in Michigan with a large group of people. The photos included a smiling group selfie along with photos of the different men and women he had a bike ride with.


Have Gerry Turner & Theresa Nist completely moved on from each other?

They are both trying to present themselves in a certain way

In Gary's caption, he touted the amazing time he had and emphasized how many laughs were shared.

"Recently returned from an awesome bike trip to Michigan. If you ever get the chance to pedal from Charlevoix to Petoskey along Lake Michigan, don't pass it up! Sunshine and fresh air await. It was a trip full of beach time, Good food, great friends and lots of laughs."

Gary wanted to put on a positive front during his divorce from Teresa, and in doing so he rubbed his happiness in the face of his ex-wife.

Gary further damaged his reputation after his divorce by attending a dating event and rubbing shoulders with the Kardashian clan, making it seem like he wants to keep his fame.

In addition, Gary's ex-girlfriend came forward to Say that Gary was insensitive and cruel to her. When the allegations arose, The Golden Bachelor Viewers, per Gary, thought he hadn't dated anyone since his wife died. Now that Gary is trying to make Theresa jealous or upset with his post-divorce life, it only adds to his bad perception.

Gary and Teresa attended Celebrity family feud As a divorced couple in July 2024, and this seems to be the last time the couple spent time together. Apart from that, Theresa has taken steps to move on from The Golden BachelorS Gary by enjoying time with her friends and season 1 cast mates. She doesn't seem to let Gary's attempts to make it known that he's over her affect her. Gary, though presenting one way, may be posting his happiness to mask his hurt from the divorce.

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Gerry Turner of The Golden Guy smiling and holding a rose, with gold colorwash.
Custom image by César Garcia

Gary should put down the too happy posts on Instagram because it is unclear because he is on the last back end of his divorce from Theresa.

He would be more likable if he shared articles about self-growth and reflection Rather than trying to prove that he's just fine without the woman he allegedly can't live without. While Teresa was also showing her happiness after the divorce, it was Gary's responsibility to be ready for marriage and not give up so easily. It's also Gary who started the insensitive Instagram posting in the first place when he should have demonstrated that he was healing and remorseful.

If The Golden Bachelorette Deciding to choose another woman from Gary's season to become the next lead, Theresa may make a good choice, although it is unlikely because her reputation is damaged along with Gary. On Gary's side of things, The bachelor Franchise could bring him back in a hosting capacity or as a guest star In the upcoming or future tense. Gary probably ruined his shot at becoming The Golden Bachelor Again due to his apparent inauthenticity and post-divorce antics.

however, Gary does not seem to want to leave the spotlight And the former The Golden Bachelor Star has made moves to stay in the public eye. Between his new host of celebrity friends and a penchant for attending public events where he is recognizable, Gerry may still be relishing the spotlight, even if he has lost favor with viewers. anyway, The Golden Bachelor was highly entertaining for viewers, but Gary has fallen from grace and continues to show through his social media activities that he is unfit for the role.

The Golden Bachelor is available to stream on Hulu.

Source: Gary Turner/ Instagram