Godzilla's Trilopods Become The Franchise's Best Kaiju Villains, Thanks To This 1 Unreal Power

Godzilla's Trilopods Become The Franchise's Best Kaiju Villains, Thanks To This 1 Unreal Power

Over the years and across a multitude of different continuities, Godzilla Has more than proven himself as the true king of the monsters, because there is not a single Kaju strong enough to take Godzilla down for good. But what about a monster with the ability to wield the powers of practically every kaiju, including Godzilla himself? That's the trilopods, and this race of alien monsters became Godzilla's best kaiju villains because of this power.

in Godzilla: Rulers of Earth By Chris Mowry, Matt Frank and Jeff Zornow, Godzilla and his kaiju allies from Earth are facing a threat unlike any other - one that is literally out of this world. An alien race called the Cryogs have descended on the planet, and they mean to conquer it. However, Godzilla quickly shows them that this is easier said than done, as he is doing what he was born to do and protecting the Earth with his life. So, the cryogs develop a living weapon of their own: the trilopods.

Godzilla saw a trilopod for the first time.

Trilopods are genetically engineered insectoid monsters with the power to copy the characteristics of other monsters. Similar to John Carpenter's The thingA trilopod can combine characteristics of all the monsters it has copied, blending them into a terrifying amalgam of kaiju claws, spikes, and teeth. When Godzilla faces the space titan, he is facing practically every monster he has ever fought, including a twisted (almost zombie-like) version of himself.

Trilopods let Godzilla definitively prove why he is the king of the monsters

Trilopods give Godzilla the chance to relive his greatest victories all at once (with an added challenge)

Trilopods are awesome villains because they are unique when compared to the other monsters Godzilla fights (being a race of genetically engineered space bugs) and because their power to mimic any monster makes their fights with Godzilla insanely epic. But more than that, because they let Godzilla definitively prove why he is the king of the monsters. This wasn't a title that Godzilla was just born with, he had to earn it by fighting and defeating every Kaju on Earth. And, thanks to a race of space monsters, he can do it again.

Godzilla can relive each of his greatest victories that established him as the king of the monsters by fighting the trilopods. It's as if these creatures are the ultimate test for Godzilla, a 'final boss' of sorts, who uses the power of every monster he's beaten against him all at once, with the added challenge of also using Godzilla's own power against Him. This villain is symbolic of Godzilla's kingly status, and stands as the perfect test to see if he should still be considered the King of the Monsters.

The Monsterverse needs to make the trilopods Godzilla's ultimate villain

Godzilla fighting a trilopod.

The Monsterverse has done an exceptional job of creating a cohesive continuity for Godzilla in the modern day, bringing in all the classic villains and allies for Godzilla to fight and battle alongside. And since the MonsterVerse is an established universe with each film feeding into the larger storyline, the trilopods must be included. Not only included, they need to be Godzilla's ultimate villain. Bringing the trilopods into the MonsterVerse would allow the franchise to revisit all the monsters that Godzilla beat in the previous films, while also bringing aliens into the MonsterVerse in a more concrete way.

Everything about the trilopods makes them perfect villains for Godzilla to fight. They are repulsive, monstrous bugs that want nothing more than to bring the Earth to its knees, they represent Godzilla's constant struggle to maintain his kingly status and protect his planet, and - more than anything - they offer a unique challenge for Godzilla to use The powers of every monster he's ever beaten (plus himself). Even if the MonsterVerse doesn't adopt the trilopods (which it should), the monsters are still there Godzillas best kaiju villains in the entire franchise.