and Spider-Man
It might not be the first mash-up that comes to mind, but an unused cover idea from artist Tom Scioli combined the two unlikely subjects. The writer/artist behind the current Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theater is known for his wild and eccentric imagination, but merging Spider-Man and Godzilla might be the craziest idea he's ever had.
Sharing in an Instagram post, Tom Scioli describes the sketch as an unused cover concept for Godzilla Monster Theater #2. The piece shows Godzilla carrying Anguiras as he flew through the air, assuming the same position Spider-Man did when he debuted on the cover for Amazing fantasy #15 by Steve Ditko.
The unused concept is in line with Scioli's cover for the recently released Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theater #1, which paid homage to Jack Kirby's iconic cover for Fantastic Four #1.
Tom Scioli plays with classic comic book iconography in Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theater
Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theater places Big G in the 1920s, where he meets the wealthy Jay Gatsby. The worlds of Ishiro Honda and F. Scott Fitzgerald combine in the unlikeliest of genre mash-ups, like Gatsby soon enlists the help of Sherlock Holmes, Jules Verne, Dracula, and others to deal with the radioactive threat.. Expected to consist of three 48-page issues, Tom Scioli's new series recently launched its first issue at the end of October.
Tom Scioli has always been a cartoonist with a keen eye for the fantastic and the absurdputting his unique spin on classic properties whenever he's tasked with working on other people's characters. From him Transformers vs GI Joe the series produced for IDW continues to be a highlight for both franchises, and the little-seen Superpowers Backup stories produced for DC's Young Animal line are some of the funniest, strangest, and most bizarre takes on DC heroes ever seen. Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theater continues the high standards of Scioli's previous work, resulting in a graphic novel that is simply fun to read.
Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theater It's a wild genre mash-up
Although Scioli didn't use his Spider-Man homage cape to Godzilla's Monsterpiece TheaterGodzilla has tangled with superheroes recently in the pages of Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kongwhich will have a sequel next summer. Spider-Man and Godzilla have crossed paths before, in Marvel Comics Godzilla, King of the Monsters #24which shows Spider-Man taking a photo of Big G as he leaves New York City (and the Marvel Universe, as it were Godzillalatest Marvel issue). With Godzilla set to star in a line of variant covers for Marvel, perhaps he'll cross paths with Spider-Man again.
Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theater #2 goes on sale December 18th from IDW Publishing
Source: Tom Scioli