Glenn Howerton's Best Replacement Show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Is Trending on Netflix (But There's a Problem)

Glenn Howerton's Best Replacement Show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Is Trending on Netflix (But There's a Problem)

Glenn Howerton abandoned his iconic role as Dennis Reynolds in AP Biographywhich offered a great alternative TV show to watch between seasons of It's always sunny in Philadelphia. Eventually becoming the longest-running live-action sitcom in American TV history FX It's always sunny in Philadelphia has been on air since 2005with its enduring popularity still placing it as the most famous show from original stars Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, Howerton and Kaitlin Olson. Of course, It's always sunnyThe cast of has even ventured outside of the sitcom in some exciting roles over the years.

When he wasn't playing Dennis Reynolds, Glenn Howerton took on some notable acting pursuits on the big and small screen, such as with his lauded performances in The Mindy Project and 2023 Blackberry. Around 2014, Howerton began taking on more outside projects and only appeared in six of them. It's always sunny season 13's ten episodes, leading to concerns that he would eventually leave for good. This hasn't happened before It's always sunny season 17, but Howerton has certainly proven he has the skills to lead another comedy showprimarily through its trending Netflix series AP Biography.

AP Bio is Glenn Howerton's best show outside, it's always sunny (but unfortunately it was cancelled)

Glenn Howerton led AP Bio for 4 seasons as Jack Griffin

Dennis Reynolds remains Howerton's best character, but AP BiographyJack Griffin is in second place. After joining the service catalog on November 15, 2024, the comedy AP Biography Quickly rose up the Netflix streaming charts to start trending in the top 10 TV titles. AP Biography stars Howerton in the lead role as Jack Griffin, a fired philosophy professor who takes a job in his hometown as a high school Advanced Placement Biology teacher. The first season premiered on NBC in 2018 and concluded shortly before It's always sunny the season 13 premiere, providing a great replacement watch when this one wasn't on the air.

AP Biography Season #

Debut year


Rotten Tomatoes score

















While AP Biography the first season got off to a rocky start with moderate reviews, Seasons 2 and 3 were seen as huge improvements, with both seasons maintaining perfect 100% scores on Rotten Tomatoes. Howerton's comedic performance and lead chemistry with teachers and students received much praise, providing a refreshing contrast to the vile tendencies of his character Dennis Reynolds and the staff at Paddy's Pub. However, AP Biography was hit by a few bumps along the way, culminating in the series being canceled not once, but twice, over the course of four seasons, the first time by NBC in 2019 and the second by Peacock in 2021.

Why AP Bio Was Canceled Twice

NBC canceled AP Bio after season 2 and was canceled by Peacock after season 4

Glenn Howerton as Jack Griffin with fellow teachers looking stern in AP Bio poster

After being saved by Peacock in 2020, AP Biography officially came to an end after season 4 in 2021. Originally, the show was canceled after just two seasons by NBC, which occurred after AP Biography suffered from low ratings. According to TV line, AP Biography Season 2 recorded the second-lowest demographic rating of NBC's sitcoms, with just a 0.5coming right above Abby.

However, NBC ended up giving AP Biography another chance by moving it to Peacock for seasons 3 and 4, hoping the cable broadcast would give it the fan base it needed to be a hit. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case. While Peacock never gave an official reason why AP Biographycancellation after season 4the show likely wasn't able to rack up enough viewer hours compared to Peacock's other original comedy shows. Although the sitcom apparently never found the audience it needed during its run, AP Biography is finally enjoying a major resurgence in popularity following its arrival on Netflix.

Source: TV line