Gladiator 2 Could Ruin Maximus' Legacy With Pedro Pascal's New Character

Gladiator 2 Could Ruin Maximus' Legacy With Pedro Pascal's New Character

In Gladiator IIPedro Pascal plays Marcus Acacius, a Roman general who trained directly under Gladiator protagonist, Maximus, meaning Pascal's character could cast a dark shadow over Maximus' legacy. Scheduled for release at the end of November, Gladiator II is the long-awaited sequel to Ridley Scott's sword and sandal hit, Gladiator. The film follows Máximo's son Lúcio as he takes revenge for the death of his family by fighting in the Colosseum as a gladiator. Although Russell Crowe will not return for the upcoming sequel, Maximus' influence will be present throughout the film - in good and bad ways.

The most obvious connection to Maximus in Gladiator II It's Lúcio. Not only is Paul Mescal's character the son of Maximus, but his story is almost completely identical. Just as Maximus fought as a gladiator for his murdered family, Lucius is doing the same. However, Lúcio's story will certainly differ from his father's in some aspects, and this could reflect positively or negatively on both father and son. Additionally, Marcus Acacius is another character who will give hints about Maximus' legacy because he trained under him, proving what kind of general Maximus really was.

The way Acacius acts as a general will directly reflect on Maximus' leadership

What Gladiator II already suggests about Acácio

In Gladiator II, the public will have the opportunity to see whether Máximo was really a good general through the actions of Marco Acácio. An important aspect of Acácio's character is that he trained with Maximus, so he is Maximus' prodigy and successor. Of course, Acácio probably has his own morals and ideas about what is right and wrong, but regardless of this, his skill as a soldier will show what kind of teacher Máximo was. Based on the trailer alone, it looks like Acácio won't just be a strong fighterbut perhaps also a persuasive leader.

In this way, Acácio seems to be a character who walks the line between good and evil, and only time will tell if Acácio is a man the audience can trust.

In fact, the character Marcus Acacius will be particularly interesting to watch, as he appears to play the role of both hero and villain. According to Gladiator II synopsis, Acacius is the Roman general responsible for the death of Lucius' wife and sonwhich immediately paints him as a bad guy. However, Acacius later becomes a gladiator because he refuses to send any more men to their deaths. In this way, Acácio seems to be a character who walks the line between good and evil, and only time will tell if Acácio is a man the audience can trust.

Acácio will ruin Máximo's legacy if he is a poor general in Gladiator 2

Acácio's character goes beyond being general

Russell Crowe as Maximus on a battlefield in Gladiator

The main way Acacius can ruin Maximus' reputation is if he is a poor general. The beginning of Gladiator quickly establishes that Maximus was an incredible general who led Rome to victory. In fact, he was so good that Marcus Aurelius wanted Maximus to become regent instead of his son, Commodus. In this way, Máximo is clearly a very talented person, and if he taught Acácio, then Acácio must also be just as spectacular. as Maximum. Otherwise, this could mean some potential negatives for Maximus' legacy in Rome and for the public.

Arguably, Acácio's reflections on Maximus go beyond being a general. It will be difficult to see Acácio failing as a general because of Maximus's tutelage, but it may be even worse to discover that he is a generally bad man. While this is not necessarily Maximus' fault, This would show that Maximus' kindness could not be passed on after his death. Acacius could represent the corruption of Rome and the ways in which Maximus failed, even though he overthrew Commodus at the end of Gladiator. Completely, Gladiator II Connections to the first film complicate character dynamics.

Acacius' Connection to Maximus Is a Risk for Gladiator 2

How Maximus' Legacy Affects Gladiator II

Marcus Acacius (Pedro Pascal) fighting alongside an army of gladiators in Gladiator II
Image via Paramount Pictures

While Acácio is undoubtedly an intriguing character, his performance definitely creates more serious stakes. Gladiator II. Maximus wasn't just the protagonist of the 2000s Gladiator, but it was really the main reason why the film performed so well. Crowe's portrayal of Maximus was incredibly moving, and Gladiator II has a responsibility to honor its image, especially since Crowe will not be returning in any capacity. Lúcio definitely has a chance to reach his father's level of success, but Acácio gets in the way of that because he might be a poor general or a bad guy.


Gladiator 2 Role

Paulo Mescal


Jose Quinn

Emperor Geta

Connie Nielsen


Derek Jacobi

Senator Gracchus

Fred Hechinger

Emperor Caracalla

Pedro Pascal

Marco Acácio

May Calamawy


Denzel Washington


Lior Raz


Matthew Lucas


Tim McInnerny


Pedro Mensah


Alexandre Karim


Of course, Maximus' legacy will not be completely decisive. Gladiator II, but it is certainly important. Even with Gladiator II star-studded cast, there's a chance the film won't live up to what Crowe did in 2000. The film not only needs to captivate audiences, but also evoke the same feelings of justice and inspiration. If Acácio tarnishes Máximo's reputation, viewers may feel like they have lost one of their greatest heroes. Therefore, It is important that Acacius' character reflects well on Maximus in Gladiator IIso that the audience does not leave with a negative portrayal of the original protagonist.