Although Gilmore Girls relied on its titular heroines for plenty of laughs and tears, the series' strongest Christmas episode proves that its real secret weapon was something else entirely. Although the cast of Gilmore Girls They were all friendly and intriguing, there's a reason the show had that title. Lauren Graham's Lorelai, Alexis Bledel's Rory, and Kelly Bishop's Emily were the heart and soul of the show, and the various friendships and romantic relationships they went through provided most of its drama. As such, the show's secret weapon is somewhat surprising.
While 2024 Gilmore Girls the reunion proves the show deserves a proper follow-up after 2016's divisive revival A year in the lifeIt's notable that this Walmart ad only featured Kirk, Luke, and Lorelai. While Gilmore's eponymous women were central to the show's appeal in both its original run and its revival miniseries, it's important to note that they were well supported by a host of supporting stars. Most of these stars, from Luke to Kirk, resided in the same small town that was a key part of the show's appeal.
Gilmore Girls Season 2 Episode 10 Proved Stars Hollow Was the Show's Secret Weapon
“The Bracebridge Dinner” highlighted small-town appeal
Remembering the best Christmas episodes of Gilmore Girls highlights a surprising reality about the series. Even though Lorelai and Rory were the heroes of the show the people of Stars Hollow were Gilmore Girls'secret weapon. This was perfectly summed up in the feel-good holiday special from Season 2, Episode 10, “The Bracebridge Dinner.” In this episode, Lorelai is left with a pre-paid festive feast when a holiday convention gets missed and can't make it to the reservation. Instead of wasting it all, Lorelai opens the inn's doors to the town of Stars Hollow.
While Lorelai hosts an impromptu holiday party, Rory is busy juggling her relationships with Dean and Jess. While Jess starred in some of the funniest episodes of Gilmore Girls“The Bracebridge Dinner” arrived at the beginning of your stay in Stars Hollow. As such, Jess is still a brooding, aloof bad boy and his attitude hilariously contrasts with the small-town fun of the titular event. Even Jess begins to thaw at the end of “The Bracebridge Dinner,” and this is largely due to the infectious good humor of the idyllic town. Stars Hollow had its flaws, but this episode highlighted its best side.
Gilmore Girls had a complicated relationship with Stars Hollow
The idyllic small town had its problems throughout the series
At the beginning of the show, Stars Hollow showed its dark side when Rory and Dean slept together for the first time in the first season. The innocent teenagers literally fell asleep together in the dance studio after a dance in Chilton, but their chaste relationship didn't stop gossipy adults who should know better from raising their eyebrows and spreading rumors. This incident proved that Stars Hollow wasn't always the perfect community that Taylor Doose wanted the world to see, but "The Bracebridge Dinner" proved that the town also had a gentle side.
“The Bracebridge Dinner” was an uncharacteristically peaceful and sweet festive outing for the series.
Where many of Gilmore Girls'The Christmas episodes inevitably focused on conflict, as the holidays brought together the show's dysfunctional central clan, “The Bracebridge Dinner” was an uncharacteristically peaceful and sweet festive outing for the series. Since even the funniest episodes of Gilmore Girls often featured touching moments amid the laughs, it’s notable that “The Bracebridge Dinner” is a sunny Christmas outing. “The Bracebridge Dinner” showcased Stars Hollow at its best, while Lorelai and Rory's festive feast brought out the best in the small town community.
Gilmore Girls also revealed a harsh reality in Season 2, Episode 10
The people of Stars Hollow were Lorelai's real family
The underlying secret of “The Bracebridge Dinner” is that the episode is family-focused, just like the rest of the show’s Christmas specials, but in a different way. “The Bracebridge Dinner” proved that the people of Stars Hollow were Rory and Lorelai’s familyand they were arguably a more accepting family than Lorelai's parents, Emily and Richard. The harsh reality underlying this fun Gilmore Girls The episode was that Lorelai and Rory understandably preferred to spend the holidays with the townspeople rather than their family, thanks to the endless bickering.
The family that Lorelai and Rory found in Stars Hollow was as much, if not more, a support to them as Lorelai's parents were.
It was hard to blame the pair for feeling like a Christmas with Emily and Richard would inevitably turn into arguments at the dinner table, as this was a staple of the show's other festive episodes. Thus, “The Bracebridge Dinner” highlighted the reality that the family that Lorelai and Rory found in Stars Hollow was as much, if not more, a support to them as Lorelai's parents were. This made Lorelai's eventual settlement with Luke even sweeter, as the two Stars Hollow staples finally became an official local institution after years of separation and reconciliation. Gilmore Girls.