Gilmore Girls' April Nardini claims ignore two much larger crimes in the story

Gilmore Girls' April Nardini claims ignore two much larger crimes in the story

Although Luke's long-lost daughter, April Nardini, is often listed among the worst characters in Gilmore Girls story, she's actually the least terrible thing about her storyline. Gilmore Girls' cast of characters all have their flaws, but most of the show's characters also have their defenders. For every viewer who thinks Lorelai Gilmore is self-centered, some fans adore her self-sufficient approach to life. For everyone who thinks Jess is too good for Rory, there's someone who thinks he doesn't deserve her. The show's characters are multi-faceted enough to support various seemingly contradictory interpretations.


Or at least, they are in the best seasons of Gilmore Girls. In the time of Lorelai and Christopher Gilmore Girls Marriage happened, the show was a shadow of its old self and its well-rounded, likable characters became broad self-parodies. Debate rages on about where the downward descent from Gilmore Girls started. Some attribute the weak character work of the last season to the departure of the original showrunner. However, many more note that both season 6 and 2016's Gilmore Girls Revival A year in the life Missing the unique tone of the show and both of them were created by the original showrunner.

Why April Nardini is so disliked by Gilmore Girls fans

April's indirect involvement in Luke and Lorelei's breakup explains her unpopularity

In the arguments when the show fell off in terms of quality, there are several things that many Gilmore Girls Can vote on. One is that Luke's daughter, April Nardini, is universally regarded as one of the show's worst charactersPartly because of her free attitude, and partly because of her resemblance to a younger Rory. April can be a bit irritating, as her character falls within some of the most played tropes about child geniuses who are wise beyond their years. However, this is not the real reason that April is so hated.

April is particularly revered among the fandom because her existence indirectly led to Luke and Lorelei's breakup and, by extension, Lorelei's short-lived marriage to Christopher. When Luke learned of his daughter's existence, he spent an inexcusable amount of time hiding her from Lorelai for no real reason. When Lorelai finally finds out about April, the strain it puts on the relationship leads to a breakup and her unlikely reunion with Christopher. The thing is, none of this is April's fault, and, on a rewatch, it's clear that the kid is the least annoying character involved in the final drama.

Luke is much worse than April in Gilmore Girls season 6

Luke is at fault in April's storyline, not April

The moment Luke found out about April and decided to hide her from Lorelai, he unknowingly became the villain of the storyline. Luke is the culprit in April Gilmore Girls Season 6 storyNot April, and the fact that April can be a little annoying is hardly an excuse to blame her for her father's frustrating, inexplicable actions. Just as Mitchum's lesson proved Rory wasn't perfect long before A year in the lifeApril's presence forced viewers to recognize that Luke is immature, untrustworthy and untrustworthy. As a result, viewers hate his daughter because of what she revealed about him.

When Luke eventually introduced Lorelai to April, it was too little, too late.

Luke could have told Lorelai about April earlier, and while it would have been difficult for him to balance parenthood and his engagement, it would have been impressively more constructive than hiding from her. Lorelai's established fear of commitment meant that it might have been difficult for her to adjust, but hiding April from his fiance was always going to result in an unavoidable catastrophe. When Luke eventually introduced Lorelai to April while desperately trying to save his daughter's birthday party, it was too little, too late. However, April was the last person to blame.

Anna Nardini is also worse than April in Gilmore Girls

April's mother also acts unreasonably in Gilmore Girls season 6

Anna looks upset as she sits in a diner in Gilmore Girls

To be fair to Luke, he's not the only one in April's storyline. April's mother, Anna Nardini, is also pretty awful at timesWhether she was attempting to take full custody of April or forbid Luke from introducing her to Lorelai. Although a year in the life's story reveals that April was comparatively alright, her mother's mistreatment of her in seasons 6 and 7 was almost as bad as Luke's handling of their relationship. Anna telling Luke not to introduce April to his fiancée was a ridiculous demand that only served to keep the plot dramatic.

Similarly, April's sudden about-face in season 7 felt forced and designed to raise the stakes. There was nothing organic about the timing of April moving to New Mexico to care for her sick mother, and the fact that it forced Luke to court only months after learning of April's existence felt silly. April had no problems with Luke, but suddenly wanted sole custody of April overnight, again proving that Luke's daughter was about the most reasonable person involved in this. Gilmore Girls storyline.


Lauren Graham, Scott Patterson, Sean Gunn, Keiko Agena, Matt Czuchry, Alexis Bledel, Yanic Truesdale, Kelly Bishop, Melissa McCarthy, Edward Herrmann, Liza Weil, Jared Padalecki, Milo Ventimiglia.

Release date

October 5, 2000
