Ghosts Season 4 Missed the Perfect Chance to Highlight Alberta's Power (But Luckily It Didn't Happen)

Ghosts Season 4 Missed the Perfect Chance to Highlight Alberta's Power (But Luckily It Didn't Happen)

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Ghosts, season 4, episode 5, “A Star Is Dead”

Since Ghosts While Season 4 has made Alberta's power something of a joke in recent episodes, it was a surprise to see Episode 5 waste the chance to utilize her unique ability. The ghostly powers of Ghosts Season 4's undead characters are complex, to say the least. Initially, it seemed that the spirits of Woodstone Manor had relatively limited abilities that didn't impact their plots very dramatically. Thor could tinker with electricity and even accidentally burn down a gazebo, but Trevor and Alberta could only move small objects and hum audibly. These quirks were fun, but hardly earth-shattering.

Then, Season 3 revealed that Sass could enter other people's dreams and Pete could leave the confines of the mansion and travel anywhere on Earth. Things got even worse when Ghosts Season 4's cast of characters introduced Mary Holland's Patience into the mix. Ghosts Season 4's new character, Patience, could make the walls of the mansion bleed, a power that left the rest of the ghosts both terrified and in awe of her. Hetty was understandably desperate to discover her power after that, while Alberta was left defending her humming, which became a running joke.

The power of Alberta's buzz could have helped the story of Sam's Ghosts season 4

Alberta Could Have Distracted Sam's Competition

Among the other ghosts, Alberta's buzz power has become the subject of mockery in Ghosts season 4. Because the former nightclub performer loved the spotlight, Alberta struggled with the idea that she had less impressive power than most ghosts. However, after weeks of other ghosts mocking her ability and defending her, Alberta lost the chance to utilize her ghost power in Season 4, Episode 5, "A Star Is Dead." Alberta promised to help Sam overcome his stage fright and audition for a Cole Porter stage production. Anything goes. As the audition approached, Alberta tried to secretly sabotage Sam's competition.

Alberta could have hummed loud enough for Sam's actor rival, but no one else, to hear while she auditioned.

Alberta asked Flower to impersonate another actor during the audition, getting her high and ruining her audition. However, Alberta could have hummed loud enough for Sam's rival actor, but no one else, to hear while she auditioned, thus ruining her audition and allowing Sam to get the role. While “A Star is Dead” gave viewers the best of Sass Ghosts In the plot of season 4 so far, the episode made the mistake of passing this task on to Flower. Inevitably, the stupid Flower accidentally told Sam the plan before they could go through with it, causing her to storm out.

Ghosts Actor

Character name

Brandon Scott Jones

Isaac Higgintoot

Roman Zaragoza


Danielle Pinnock


Rebecca Wisocky


Richie Moriarty


Asher Grodman


Devon Chandler Long


Ghosts using Alberta's powers would have undermined her and Sam's hard work

Ghosts Had to Make Sam's Successful Audition Genuine

To be fair, the episode needed Flower to happily reveal the plan to Sam, as this allowed Alberta to cancel the plan and Sam to succeed in his own right. Sam needed to feel genuinely talented to win the role, thus justifying Flower's role in the scheme. Admittedly, Alberta could have taken advantage of her humming and Sam could have stopped her once she recognized Alberta's plan. However, this would have required Sam to intervene in the middle of another actor's audition, which would have been awkward and unprofessional. That's why, Ghosts Season 4 was better off ignoring Alberta's power in this subplot.


Rose McIver, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Brandon Scott Jones, Danielle Pinnock, Richie Moriarty, Asher Grodman, Rebecca Wisocky, Devan Chandler Long, Roman Zaragoza, Sheila Carrasco, John Hartman, Betsy Sodaro


Samantha Arondekar, Jay Arondekar, Isaac Higgintoot, Alberta Haynes, Pete Martino, Trevor Lefkowitz, Hetty Woodstone, Thorfinn, Sasappis, Flower, Nigel Chessum, Nancy

Release date

October 7, 2021