Ghosts Season 4 Christmas Episode Hides A Brilliant Nod To Rose McIver's Cult CW Show From 5 Years Ago

Ghosts Season 4 Christmas Episode Hides A Brilliant Nod To Rose McIver's Cult CW Show From 5 Years Ago

THE Ghosts Season 4's Christmas special, 'A Very Arondekar Christmas', was great in its own right, but it was made even better by including a little nod to Rose McIver's American role, which ended five years ago. THE Ghosts The Season 4 episode's twist with Jay finally gave viewers what they wanted with a four-season development in the works: Jay could finally see the ghosts — temporarily, at least.

In a crazy accident, Sam and Jay accidentally electrocute themselves in the Ghosts season 4 episode as they try to fix the inn's wiring, and when they do, Nancy and Pete temporarily move in and take possession of their bodies. Sam manages to expel Nancy, but when she attempts to exorcise Pete from Jay's body, it turns out that Pete's soul is so pure that it is Jay's soul that is expelled from his own body. As a result, Jay enters the spiritual realm and is able to see the ghosts of the Woodstone B&B mansion for the first time.

Jay Twist from Ghosts Season 4 Includes an iZombie Reference

It was a sassy and clever line

Jay talking to Mark in Ghosts Season 4 Episode 5

Pete's possession of Jay's body is relatively brief, but forms a major reference to McIver's previous show, CW's Zombieand it also allows her to delve into a skill she used in that series. Eventually, Pete vacates his temporary host after using Jay's body to see and hug his daughter for the first time in over 40 years. For a brief moment, however, Jay's body is without spirit or soul, leaving him a zombie, which is when the cheeky reference to Zombie it happens. As she looks at her temporarily zombified husband, Sam is expressionless: “I hate zombies” – which is exactly what she Zombie character, Olivia “Liv” Moore, was: a zombie.

Ghosts Continues Rose McIver's Supernatural Network TV Sequel

She has a very unique start to her career

With two shows in a row now, one a cult favorite and the other a legitimate hit, Rose McIver has carved out a fun niche for herself with supernatural network comedies. On both CW Zombie and now CBS' GhostsMcIver's characters had some sort of supernatural element. Not only was Liv a zombie who worked as a coroner, but when she ate the brains of deceased victims in ZombieLiv temporarily absorbed their personalities and memories, allowing her to solve their murders. In GhostsOf course, Sam is still human, but he can see the spirit world.

Two shows aren't exactly enough for a standard, but still, it's not a surprise that McIver was cast in Ghosts after she surrenders Zombie; his comedic timing and talent were really flexed on the CW's zombie dramedy. Her ability to portray so many different characters while absorbing the personalities of dead people was a key aspect of the series, and it was fun to see her return to that in the Ghosts Season 4 Christmas Special, when she temporarily had to act as Sodaro's Nancy. Hopefully, McIver will get another chance to take on the role of another character on the series in future episodes.

Ghosts (USA) is a comedy series centered on a young couple who inherit an old mansion only to discover that it is inhabited by eclectic spirits from different historical periods, mixing humor and history as they navigate life among the dead.

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