Ghosts ignoring death and the inconsistency of the afterlife of two main spirits need to be resolved

Ghosts ignoring death and the inconsistency of the afterlife of two main spirits need to be resolved

Spoiler alert for Ghosts season 4

This article discusses drug use.

Ghosts should explain an inconsistency in the death and afterlife of two ghosts on the CBS series, which would add to the show's robust lore. The inconsistency, which appears silently in almost every episode, affects two main ghosts. Ghosts Season 4 highlights the inconsistency in reclaiming the story of Trevor's death. Ghosts Season 1, Episode 16, 'Trevor's Pants', tells the story for the first time, recalling the night Trevor died at Woodstone Manor with no pants on. Trevor becomes unresponsive after mixing prescription meds while partying with his financial friendsand they throw his body into the lake.

Ghosts Season 4 Episode 4 revisits Trevor's death, which goes back to his financial career. "The Work Retreat" reminds the audience that Trevor helped his friend Pinkus by lending him his pants just before he performed. "Fun Race" - running from Woodstone Mansion to Manhattan without pants. Episode 4 focused earnestly on Asher Grodman's divisive character, bringing his death back into the conversation. The consequences of Trevor's supposed overdose don't make any sense when you consider how each Ghosts character died, specifically Sheila Carrasco's Flor.

Trevor and Flower died while under the influence

Trevor and Flower died from pills and mushrooms

Trevor and Flower die under the influence of Ghostsbut only one of them experiences the effects of substance use in the afterlife. Ghosts establishes almost immediately that Flower, a hippie ghost with a 1960s backstory, becomes permanently high after dying while high on psychedelic mushrooms. In her afterlife, Flower constantly forgets her surroundings, such as the conversations she is having. Flower even forgets the names of other ghost characters. That's why, Flower lives a pseudo-endless journeybut Trevor's drug use curiously does not play the same role in his death.

During a ritual that the finance brothers often repeat, Trevor, David Woodstone and the rest of their friends play "pill roulette".

Ghosts season 4 tells how Trevor also dies while using drugs and alcohol. During a ritual that the finance brothers often repeat, Trevor, David Woodstone (Brian Cook) and the rest of their friends play "pill roulette", a game that requires removing unlabeled pills from a secret medicine drawer in Woodstone Mansion, full of various medical prescriptions. Trevor and his friends have also been mixing substances, so their realities become somewhat distorted the night Trevor passes out due to cardiac arrest. Yet, Despite his antemortem drinking, Trevor appears to be sober in the afterlife.

Why Flower's mushrooms affect her afterlife, but Trevor is sober

Is Flor pretending?

Split image showing Flower and Trevor in Ghosts

There are many explanations for Ghosts discrepancy. 'Trevor's Pants' reveals that Trevor was not excessively intoxicated the night he died in the Woodstone B&B timeline. Even if that's the case, he still mixed prescription pills, but we don't know what substance he was taking or if it has mind-altering effects. It may even be that the drugs neutralize each other. However, suppose he was drunk when he died. In this case, the explanation that best matches Trevor's background is that he managed to mask the effects of the substances he took, having developed a tolerance.

It's also worth considering the overwhelming and disorienting effects of mushrooms, which are drastically different from prescription pills. Flower could seriously lack a substantial connection to the material world depending on the amount she took, explaining her unique state. However, a darker reality presents itself when considering what happened to Flower in Ghosts season 3. Flower had a perfect date with Thor, but forgot about it. Then, the hippie accidentally revealed that she was pretending to forget when they recreated the encounter. So Flower's faint memory trace could be a disguise, but the possibilities are truly endless in Ghosts.

Ghosts (USA) is a comedy series centered on a young couple who inherit an old mansion only to discover that it is inhabited by eclectic spirits from different historical periods, mixing humor and history as they navigate life among the dead.


Rose McIver, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Brandon Scott Jones, Danielle Pinnock, Richie Moriarty, Asher Grodman, Rebecca Wisocky, Devan Chandler Long, Roman Zaragoza, Sheila Carrasco, John Hartman, Betsy Sodaro


Samantha Arondekar, Jay Arondekar, Isaac Higgintoot, Alberta Haynes, Pete Martino, Trevor Lefkowitz, Hetty Woodstone, Thorfinn, Sasappis, Flower, Nigel Chessum, Nancy

Release date

October 7, 2021