Yotei's Ghost promises more Ghost action, but in an entirely new time period, giving players access to flints and more modernized technology - at least for the 1600s - in a way that Ghost of Tsushima I never had. It opens up this spin-off/sequel in exciting new ways, with protagonist Atsu having more methods to take down her enemies silently or aggressively. Naturally, however, despite all the new features coming to Yotei's Ghostthere will be a lot of things that will be transported from Ghost of Tsushima.
There are many obvious features that fans hope will be transferred to Yotei's Ghostincluding Ghost of Tsushima the combat years in the making and revolutionary exploration mechanics that helped make Tsushima such a player-led experience. However, there is a mechanic, undoubtedly one of the most unique aspects of Ghost of Tsushima what Yotei's Ghost seems to be borrowing. This is great news not only for those who liked the mechanics in the first place, but also for those who enjoyed the more immersive aspects of the game. Ghost of Tsushima.
Ghost Of Yotei carries the musical instruments from Ghost Of Tsushima
Atsu carries a Shamisen
In Ghost of TsushimaJin could play beautiful melodies on his shakuhachi - long bamboo flute - whether he was riding through the pampas grass or taking in a stunning view of the war-torn island. It was an unnecessary mechanic, at least from a purely gameplay point of view, as it was never necessary to complete a mission or solve a puzzle. However, it was engaging and easily one of the best parts of Ghost of Tsushimaadding a dimension to Jin that would otherwise have been completely lost and giving players an in-game way to express the beauty of what they were feeling.
Naturally, a sequel or spin-off would need to contain similar mechanics, and it seems absolutely Yotei's Ghost has his own version of Jin's shakuhachi. However, instead of being a flute, Atsu has a shamisen - a three-stringed plucked instrument similar to a modern guitar - that she carries on her back. It seems Atsu will have the shamisen with her at all times, as she is seen during normal gameplay and key cutscenes.unlike Jin's shakuhachi, which magically appeared from an invisible pocket whenever he wanted to touch it.
While Yotei's Ghost contains controversial changes from the original game, This transfer is an excellent choice as it once again offers a form of expression in the game while promoting Atsu's character. The shamisen also plays an important role in the soundtrack, with the game's initial reveal trailer being marked by sweeping music featuring heavy participation from the instrument. However, it is also possible for the shamisen to play a significant role in the story or during gameplay, especially if a more mechanically complex minigame is provided.
Atsu's Shamisen could have a minigame attached to it
Could be like Ellie's guitar in The Last Of Us Part 2
It is possible that Atsu's Shamisen in Yotei's Ghost will be more mechanically complex than Jin's shakuhachi in Ghost of Tsushima. To use the flute, all players had to do was slide the DualSense's touchpad, which would prompt Jin to pull it out and begin playing one of several melodies. It was enough for that game, as it served its purpose of marking beautiful moments with sincere and somber melodies without the risk of the player spoiling and ruining the moment.
However, Atsu's shamisen could have a TLOU 2-style minigame in which fans can choose which notes to play, thus creating their own melodies. Alternatively, there could be a rhythm-style minigame in which players have to try to hit the right notesvery similar Tchia's ukulele minigame that players needed to complete at certain points in the story. There are many options for Yotei's Ghost pick up, although it is also possible for Atsu to play a random melody like Jin did in Ghost of Tsushima, without players needing to participate in a minigame.
Regardless of how Yotei's Ghost addresses this specific facet of his gameplay, it's incredible to see him make such a prominent return. The shamisen, like the shakuhachi, is a beautiful instrument and is sure to provide some truly exciting moments as you explore the beautiful new open world. Let's hope that while Yotei's Ghost adopted many of the best elements of its predecessor, leaves behind Ghost of Tsushima worst parts on the cutting room floor.
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Sony Interactive Entertainment