Get Your First Look at the New Superhero (Who's Here to Bloody Batman)

Get Your First Look at the New Superhero (Who's Here to Bloody Batman)

Batman may be Gotham City's number one costumed hero, but one new character looks to give the Dark Knight a run for his money this December. Commander Star makes his debut in the upcoming story arc "The Dying City," which kicks things off with Batman #153 next month and promises to be another epic Bat-saga for the ages.

Released this December, Batman #157 will be the fifth and final part of the upcoming story-line, beginning with #153 and #154 – which starts the monthly title switch to a bi-weekly release schedule in October for the duration of the story.

Batman #157

Commander stars in Batman 157 Comic Cover art by Jimenez

Release date:

December 4, 2024


Chip Zdarki


Jorge Jiménez & Tony S. Daniel

Cover artist:

Jorge Jimenez

With the Court of Owls' plan revealed and the city in chaos, Batman must find the strength to fight a war on multiple fronts and save Gotham from disaster. The fate of Jim Gordon, the Riddler, and all of Gotham rest in the hands of the Dark Knight in a climactic issue so big it takes two superstar artists to bring it to life!

Featuring a storyline featuring a plot from The Riddler, the Court of Owls and the murder of one of Gotham's "Greatest citizen" The "Dying City" arc is sure to be filled with twists and turns that will flip Batman's world right on its pointed ears. The addition of a whole new hero in Commander Star at odds with the Dark Knight also promises to be a showdown of epic proportions.

Meet Commander Star

Has Batman finally met his match?

Batman Action Commander stars in issue 157 variant cover art by Jimenez

Little is known about Commander Star ahead of its debut next month Batman #153, ​​but with future solicitations promising that the new hero will be "Sow the seeds of discontent"and"Fan the flames of civil unrest", it is easy to assume that the character will be a garment of sorts. The new storyline also involved a Wayne Enterprises public initiative to improve Gotham CityIt's easy to see a character like Commander Star riding a wave of populism to turn the masses against Bruce Wayne and Batman.

While the character is seemingly completely new, Commander Star's name and costume are reminiscent of the earlier DC hero Commander style. A possible connection between the new character and the classic DC hero is not entirely out of the question, which could give fans some context in Commander Star. The original style was created by Gerry Conway and Don Heck, making its first appearance in the 1978s. Steel: The Indestructible Man #1. Intended to be DC's answer to Captain America, the original Commander Steele was soldier Hank Henwaywho had experimental steel devices implanted in his body by his biology professor after being injured in an attack by Baron Blitzkrieg.

Who is Commander Star?

DC's new hero could be connected to older DC characters

Other characters would Taking up the mantle of Commander Steele in subsequent decades, including Heywood's grandsons Henry Heywood III and Nathan Heywoodwho would serve as members of Justice League Detroit and the modern Justice Society of America, respectively. Whether Commander Star has any connection to the WWII hero or his descendants remains to be seen, but the new hero should nevertheless prove to be a challenge for Batman When he debuts in the "Dying City" story arc next month.

Batman #157 On sale December 4th from DC Comics