Warning! Spoilers ahead for the premiere of Georgie & Mandy's first wedding.Sheldon is not in these Georgie and Mandy's first wedding Premiere, and unfortunately, while hilarious, his best Young Sheldon Pilot Easter egg just next highlighted his absence. Set a couple of months after George's death, the new show will shift its focus to George and Mary's eldest, as he builds a life with his Mandy and Cece. While it's essentially a follow on Young SheldonThe buyers will not have the same prominence in Georgie and Mandy's first wedding. That said, to establish the connection between her and his predecessor, CBS is bringing back Georgie's family, except for Sheldon.
Unlike many of its peers, Young SheldonIts cancellation is not because of the lack of interest from the public. Instead, it is because of the established The Big Bang Theory Timeline, predetermining when the show will end. With that, the Young Sheldon Finale caps off with Sheldon moving to Pasadena, CaliforniaStart his post-graduate studies. That's why it's easier to put him in Georgie and Mandy's first wedding Like his other family members. That said, the pilot of the sequel inadvertently makes his absence more glaring with his hilariousness Young Sheldon Reference.
The Young Sheldon pilot also featured a train scene (but with Sheldon).
Young Sheldon opened with Sheldon's love of trains
Georgie and Mandy's first wedding Episode 1, "The 6:10 to Lubbock," opens with Georgie, Mandy and Baby Cece still living with the McAllisters. After Memaw's house was destroyed in the Young Sheldon Season 6 finale and the Coopers' house became too crowded, the trio moved in with Mandy's parents, which resulted in brand new issues, especially with how Audrey treats Georgie. The new family was excited, and moved out into a mobile home near a train station, meaning that the entire structure would shake when the trains passed by.
Besides being the most hilarious bit in the Georgie and Mandy's first wedding Pilot, it also brilliantly references these Young Sheldon Premiere, which opened with a scene with trains. Just before the rest of the Coopers were introduced to their first meal in the prequel, Sheldon was busy playing with his model train in the garage. Young Sheldon Hasn't been able to feature the toys as prominently in recent seasons because of everything else going on in the show.
Sheldon would love Georgie & Mandy's Dumpster Mobile Home
The proximity to the train tracks would have canceled out all the bad features
As established in The Big Bang TheorySheldon never lost his love for trains. During some of his most emotionally challenging moments, he would return to play them in his room. Although they were never fully displayed in any of the apartments he lived in, the models were always nearby. Considering this, it is safe to say that if Sheldon could visit Georgie and Mandy's mobile home, knowing that it is next to a train track would definitely have thrilled him. Unfortunately, because he is not in the Georgie and Mandy's first weddings premiere, everyone is just grossed out by it.
While the Georgie and Mandy's first wedding The premiere acknowledges Sheldon, mostly to highlight his strangeness, compared to Mandy's brother, Connor.
What makes it worse is that no one even brings up the idea that Sheldon would love the house despite its desolate state due to its proximity to trains. Given that everyone is more focused on Georgie and Mandy's new living situation and delivering the comedy bit when the house shakes when a train passes by, but it's a wasted opportunity to remind the boy genius. While the Georgie and Mandy's first wedding The premiere acknowledges Sheldon, mostly to highlight his strangeness, as compared to Mandy's brother, Connor.
Will Sheldon ever appear at Georgie & Mandy's first wedding?
It's only a matter of time before Georgie's brother shows up
As previously mentioned, with Sheldon in the latter The Big Bang Theory Franchise installment will take a little more work, considering his circumstances. He can only really visit his brother and his new family during school breaks or if there is an urgent matter that pulls him back to Texas. However, this may take a while to happen since then Georgie and Mandy's first weddings Thanksgiving episode does not include him.
At some point, Sheldon will have to come home, especially since he doesn't have Leonard and the rest of the Pasadena gang still in California, according to the established Big Bang Theory timeline.
The great news is that the producers have shared that they are actively finding ways to show the boy genius. At some point, Sheldon will have to come home, especially since he doesn't have Leonard and the rest of the Pasadena gang still in California, according to the source. The Big Bang Theory Timeline. Iain Armitage, on the other hand, has expressed his desire to reprise the role, even in a cameo capacity in Georgie and Mandy's first wedding. So, it shouldn't be difficult to recruit him back, assuming his plan is according to the film of the show.