George RR Martin recently spoke My Lady Janes cancellation, and The Game of Thrones The author is right about the fate of Amazon's historical fantasy series. Based on the first book in the Lady Janies series, My Lady Jane Premiere on Prime Video in June 2024 - and it quickly proved to be one of the best historical fantasy TV shows to come out in recent years. But despite its fun, feminist premise and compelling central romance, My Lady Jane was canceled ahead of season 2. This proved a disappointment to fans of the Amazon series.
It seems that Martin is not thrilled about My Lady Janes cancellation, orAs the author suggested Not a blog to discuss it. In a September 9 post, Martin revealed that he watched the Amazon series and thoroughly enjoyed it. Needless to say, he is one of many viewers let down by My Lady Janes cancellation. His feelings about the future of the Amazon series echo those of the fans petitioning for its renewal. And Martin is right about My Lady Jane, So hopefully, Amazon is listening.
GRRM Is Right: Why My Lady Jane Season 2 Should Happen
The Amazon series deserves a proper ending
in his Not a blog Post, Martin wrote from My Lady Janes cancellation: "Jane gained more than nine days, or eight episodes.” He is right about that, especially since The Amazon series didn't get a proper ending. Although Lady Jane Gray and Lord Guildford Dudley ride off together at the end of My Lady Jane Season 1, the series does not maintain all its main storylines. Queen Mary is still on the throne as the show comes to a close, and Edward has yet to reclaim his crown. With season 2 not happening, the My Lady Jane Storylines will be open-ended.
Martin is right that they all deserve better, and he is far from the only person who says so.
This is unfair to the viewers who fell for the show, as well as the writers, who are clearly setting the stage for another outing. Martin is right that they all deserve better, and he is far from the only person who says so. The author acknowledged the fan campaign to renew My Lady Jane In his blog post, he wishes his creators luck. The change.org Petitioner demands My Lady Jane Season 2 has more than 72,000 signaturesProve that there is a demand for more episodes. All the viewers deserve to know how the book ends, and they deserve to see it play out on screen.
Why did Amazon cancel My Lady Jane?
The company cites low viewership numbers
With more than 70,000 people disappointed in My Lady Janes cancellation - including Martin - one has to wonder why Amazon canceled the series. The company's decision stems from the fact that the series did not attract a large enough audience or get high enough viewership numbers (via Term). Unfortunately, this is a common reason why streaming shows are axed, even if they receive a generally positive reception. My Lady Janes 95% critic score and 90% audience score on Rotten tomatoes Reflect well on the series, but even good reviews aren't enough to save it.
Fantasy shows tend to have a more difficult time getting renewed by streaming services, and that may have to do with the hefty budgets they require. Such projects need higher viewership numbers to justify more seasons, while low-budget series can be considered successful with smaller returns. But this is one of the harsh realities of the fantasy genre It is clear My Lady Jane Still has a hefty fan base - and they are ready to fight for the return of the series.
How likely is the My Lady Jane Season 2 petition to work?
Fan campaigns have worked before, but it's unclear how this will go
It's great to see My Lady Janes fan base are coming together to bring back the show, however It is unclear how effective the petition will be. Similar fan campaigns have succeeded for series VI Lucifer And the wide But other networks or streaming services typically pick up the projects. There's no word on whether the series has been shopped elsewhere, and Amazon seems unlikely to reverse its decision, especially if the company hasn't seen the buzz it was hoping for.
Plus, with more and more shows being canceled after just one season, it's impossible to save them all. Not many unleash such huge fan campaigns in response to their cancellations, but it's hard to say if other networks or streamers will see My Lady Jane As important enough to revive above all the others. Even if it's picked up elsewhere, there's no telling when we'll see more episodes — or if it would find itself in limbo after a revival, just like Netflix's Warrior nun.
Source: Not a blog, change.org, Term, Rotten tomatoes