George Lucas' 'Star Wars' Role' $393 Million Box Office Bomb Revealed

George Lucas' 'Star Wars' Role' 3 Million Box Office Bomb Revealed

Screenwriter Stuart Beattie revealed George Lucas' role in Solo: A Star Wars StoryThe franchise's biggest box office bomb to date. In general, the Star Wars Movies have been box office hits, but the exception was Solo - which grossed just $393.2 million at the global box office. Behind-the-scenes drama meant that the film didn't even break even.

Appeared on the YouTube channel Star Wars theory, Screenwriter Stuart Beattie revealed George Lucas' role in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Watch part of the video or read his comments below:

Beattie, who was a writer on the scrapped Obi-Wan Kenobi film trilogy, says Lucas was "Partly involved"In Solo: A Star Wars Story since "He was the one who startedLucas began developing the project and brought it to Lawrence Kasdan, who co-wrote the screenplay, before selling Lucasfilm to Disney. Read Beattie's full comments below:

He was partially involved in Solo, because he was the one who started that. He brought this to Larry Kasdan... it was already in development when they bought it from George.

What George Lucas' solo involvement means for Star Wars

The box office bomb dates back to Lucas' era

Solo was the first Star Wars film to bomb at the box office, and that caused Lucasfilm to course-correct. Several factors contributed to this resultIncluding the release of the film shortly after fan backlash to Star Wars: The Last Jedi And a weak marketing strategy designed not to compete with Avengers: Infinity War. Kathleen Kennedy of Lucasfilm often attributed the movie's performance to viewers rejecting the idea of ​​recasting Han Solo, even though Alden Ehrenreich's performance was tremendous.


Disney Only Green Lit Solo Because of Han's name scene, when an Imperial recruiter gave him his last name because he was alone. According to Lawrence Kasdan, Disney CEO Bob Iger was so taken with this part of Han's backstory that he insisted that the film be produced immediately, although it seems quite a weak hook for an entire movie. Because Kasdan was asked to work on the project by Lucas himself, it is reasonable to assume that the problems go back to Solos beginning.

Would George Lucas' Star Wars have been less controversial than Disney's?

Probably not, but for different reasons

Star Wars series from The Force Awakens

There was intense debate about Disney's creative direction and perceived commercialization of Star Wars. The last one Solo News serves as a reminder that Lucas was no stranger to controversy either; The prequels stirred discussions about artistic integrity and narrative depth as well. Solo: A Star Wars StoryThis origin is an intriguing hint that Lucas could potentially repeat some of Disney's mistakes, as he set the ball rolling on a movie that couldn't perform.

Source: Star Wars theory