Genshin Impact Snezhnaya Release Date Predictions (Based on Previous Updates)

Genshin Impact Snezhnaya Release Date Predictions (Based on Previous Updates)

Snezhnaya release date in Genshin Impact is up for discussion, as HoYoverse's action RPG is wrapping up Natlan's main story arc and directing the Traveler's gaze towards the seventh great nation of Teyvat as they continue on their quest to reunite with their brother. With the liberation of Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine and Natlan, the last region is Snezhnaya, the Nation of Cryo.. Based on HoYoverse's roadmap, Snezhnaya is the next region after Natlan in Genshin Impactexpected to arrive in 2026, even though a fixed date has not yet been announced.

Although the Nation of Cryo has been mentioned abundantly since the game's release in 2020, mainly because the Fatui under the Tsaritsa's reign originate from Snezhnaya, the region is still drowned in mystery. Information about Snezhnaya and the Cryo Archon has developed over the years, and even the perception of them has changed thanks to new details that have gradually been released.. Having met several Fatui Precursors in Genshin Impacteach with their own personality, goals, and unique things to say about Tsaritsa, it's difficult to determine exactly what to expect from the region as a whole.

When Is Snezhnaya Being Added to Genshin Impact (Cryo Region Release Date Predictions)

Cryo Nation Could Arrive in September 2025

The main prediction is that Snezhnaya will be released in Version 6.0 in 2026 and, considering the game's release calendar in recent years, Version 5.9 may not exist as Versions 4.9 and 3.9 have not been released. Instead, the game jumped from versions 4.8 and 3.8 to versions 5.0 and 4.0, respectively. As such, it is expected that at least one full update will be skipped before version 6.0 is released.. Due to the game's fixed six-week schedule for each update, it's possible to predict exactly when Genshin Impact 6.0 will be released.

If the game avoids delays throughout 2025, then it is possible to predict that version 6.0 will be released on September 10th. Patches for the game are generally released on Wednesdays every six weeks, and considering the title is at a steady release pace, it seems unlikely that this schedule will be affected anytime soon. Additionally, with the possibility that Version 5.9 may not exist and the jump from Version 5.8 to Version 6.0, September 10th actually seems like the most likely release date for Genshin Impact 6.0.

Snezhnaya's release date in Genshin Impact is still up for debate, according to leaks

Leaks indicate that a patch can be ignored entirely

Capitano from Genshin Impact poses menacingly with a cutout of him and Columbina in the background.
Custom image by Bruno Yonezawa

Based on previous game updates, September 10th is the most likely release date for version 6.0 and Snezhnaya, but there are some rumors that dispute this notion. In fact, an August leak mentioned that the end of Natlan updates in Genshin Impact would occur with version 5.7 and that the game would also skip version 5.8. The leak was and still is questionable, but if true, Snezhnaya's possible release date would be brought forward to July Version 6.0 would occupy the slot previously occupied by Version 5.8.

This is just one of the rumors disputing Snezhnaya's 6.0 release in 2025. In fact, there is a leak from Full Stop Chan claiming that Snezhnaya will only be released in version 7.0. The leak, which was shared in a post tagged “Questionable" about Redditmentions that version 6.0 will take players to Nod-Krai, an autonomous area within Snezhnayan territory, but that the substantial part of the Nation of Cryo would only arrive in version 7.0 in 2026. The rumor is supported by a leak from Flying Flame, which was also shared on Reddit.

Snezhnaya release date could be moved to Genshin Impact 7.0

Leaks mention that other areas of the map will be explored in version 6.X updates

Genshin Impact's Fatui Harbingers gathered around La Signora's coffin.

The leaker claims that the 6.X patches will add all areas from previous regions that have been heavily referenced in lore and other instances. As examples, the Reddit post features Mount Esus in Fontaine and Port Dornman in Mondstadt. If true, this could also lead to the release of Mare Jivari in Genshin ImpactNatlan Region. If the joint leaks prove true and the Nation of Cryo's release is pushed to version 7.0, the release of Snezhnaya as a full nation could only occur on September 23, 2026.

As much as Nod-Krai's confined release in version 6.0 may contradict HoYoverse's own roadmap, which mentioned that Snezhnaya would be playable in 2025, it is not an absurd notion. While Version X.0 releases have always been accompanied by a new Nation of Teyvat, Version 6.0 could potentially break the mold and limit players to Nod-Krai and not Snezhnaya as they would expect. – although Nod-Krai is still technically part of Snezhnaya. During the version 5.3 livestream, HoYoverse confirmed that Nod-Krai is set to appear in Genshin ImpactIt's the near future.

This could mean that Nod-Krai will be released as a standalone non-Snezhnaya map in the 5.X patches, before the release of Snezhnaya in 6.0. However, Nod-Krai has also been directly compared to the other six Nations of Teyvat, which makes it seem as important as Natlan and Fontaine, for example. This is what helps support rumors that Snezhnaya, in a regional sense, may have been delayed, making room for Nod-Krai to be released in version 6.0. If true, then this will be the first year of content that doesn't go entirely to a Teyvat Nation in Genshin Impact.

Unlike previous Nations and years, predicting when Snezhnaya will be released is much more difficult. This is mainly due to the various rumors surrounding the layout of the current year's content and mentions of Nod-Krai launching as a standalone part of Snezhnaya rather than the Nation of Cryo itself. As always, leaks should be considered with caution. As the game progresses through v5.X patches, more details about the future of Genshin Impact should be teased by HoYoverse, especially with the confirmed new characters that had already been leaked.

Source: Reddit (1, 2)