Gathering the Elves Could Have Big Implications in WoW: Midnight

Gathering the Elves Could Have Big Implications in WoW: Midnight

The Worldsoul Saga will continue with its second part in World of Warcraft: Midnightbut Blizzard hasn't revealed much information about this expansion yet. However, the little snippets and teasers that Blizzard has announced so far for Midnight They are exciting and curious. After the events of the main campaign in The war within and its focus on Alleria and Xal'atath, it may not be surprising that Midnight plans to focus on the various elven tribes that have been spread across Azeroth throughout that world's history.

It appears that part of the campaign to Midnight will take on the task of trying to reunite the Elves. Of course, Blizzard is undertaking other monumental tasks to World of Warcrafthow to bring player housing to Midnighta feature the community has wanted for years. Both are tasks that present difficulties in their implementation, because Bringing the Elves together might change a bit when it comes to the faction systemas they split off to join different factions. So, player housing is always difficult to bring into a game, as there are multiple ways to implement it.

What We Know About The Midnight Plot

A story about elves and the void

An orc and a human from the new WoW expansion

It looks like the Elves will be at the center of Midnightas it will be set in Quel'Thalas and will potentially result in several elven tribes uniting against a common enemy: the Void. Of course, the Void as the main threat to expansion it's not surprising since this is the second part of the Worldsoul Saga and the Void was important in the first part. Although Xal'atath was thwarted in The War Within, she will likely have time to regroup and form a new plan between expansions.

With the Quel'Thalas setting, Sunwell will also be part of the expansion. It's been a while since the Sunwell played a role, and it was previously corrupted by the Burning Legion as they attempted to summon Kil'jaeden through it. Players were able to witness this moment and stop it in Sunwell's attack Burning Crusade. With the Sunwell appearing as a plot point again, it's safe to assume that the Void and Xal'atath will attempt to use their power as the Burning Legion, possibly summoning allies similar to the attempt to bring Kil'jaeden through the Sunwell.

How the Elven Tribes Ended Up Apart

The history of the races of Warcraft

Queen Azshara Well of Eternity from World of Warcraft

The elves are among the oldest races on Azeroth, but they went through several difficulties that divided them into tribes, each of which developed its own characteristics and culture over time. All variations of Elves can be traced back to the Night Elveswhich has one of the most beautiful starting areas in the game World of Warcraft. The Night Elves were attracted to the Well of Eternity and its magic, but restructured their society around Elune and druidry. At least a portion of the Elves changed their culture to what is now the familiar version of the Night Elves seen in the game.

The conflict with the Burning Legion that led the Night Elves to turn away from magic split the continent from its ancient form into the continents that are now in the game. This naturally led to the change of various elven cultures, which also led to changes in their appearances over time, such as they had different views of magic and had to learn to survive without the power of the Well of Eternity in their new locations.. A portion of these Night Elves would isolate themselves from the world in Suramar and join the game as the Nightborne Allied Race.

There is also the section of Night Elves who have more embraced magic, calling themselves High Elves. Some High Elves followed Azshara and worked with the Burning Legion, only to then become Naga. However, other High Elves broke away from Azshara's faction and were exiled after the War of the Ancients, although they played a role in ending the war. They would later be attacked by the Scourge in Quel'Thalas, an event that led them to rename their race the Blood Elves in honor of those who died during the invasion.

Finally, there are the Darkfallen and the Void Elves. The Darkfallen are Elves who were raised as undead by the Scourge and later regained their free will and joined Sylvanas as Forsaken. As for the Void Elves, they are a group who were exiled from Silvermoon for experimenting with the Void, and were transformed into Void Elves after an encounter with void hollows. Alleria has more or less become their leader, as she was the first to master control over the Void, so now she works to help others who share her affliction, seeing it as her responsibility.

What Gathering the Elves Could Mean

A way to tweak the faction system

The importance of the Alliance and the Horde in The war within When it comes to the story of the campaign, it's not even remotely uniform, with Alleria and Anduin taking the lead roles for much of the campaign. At this point, the faction system often feels forced and outdatedespecially when taking into account the number of times the factions have had to work together to prevent a world-ending event. This leads to an interesting possibility that could come from the Elves' reunion: an end to the faction system, or a readjustment that makes it seem useful.

However, there are some interesting factors to take into consideration. Naturally, the Elves would not reform a single race, as they all evolved differently with varying values, but an alliance between them would require working across factions and trying to mend old feuds. The biggest problem in this situation would probably be where Void Elves fit in among other Elvesespecially when the Void will be the main enemy and the Elves are working to eliminate it.

Pay close attention to the Midnight Teasers go into introducing the player's housing, but the information provided about the campaign's story also presents some interesting possibilities about the future of the Elves, and perhaps even the future of the faction system. While a faction overhaul would be fun, it seems unlikely that this feature will change much, especially after 20 years of the game's life. Either way, bringing the Elves together will certainly bring unexpected results in World of Warcraft: The War Within.


November 23, 2004