Sailing yacht below deck season 5 has been a struggle so far, especially because Gary King and Daisy Kelliher continue to feud, although this may be due to producer interference on the show. Daisy, who was part Sailing yacht below deck the 5th season, along with Gary since the second season of the series, has been turning a new page throughout the current season of the series. While her separation from her ex- Sailing yacht below deck Chief engineer Colin MacRae hit it hard, the season offered a new sense of possibility for franchise favorite Chief Stew.
Although Daisy is looking Sailing yacht below deck Season 5 as a whole new opportunity, Gary's time on the series was more difficult after some personal problems. Gary, who had long acted as a womanizer in Sailing yacht below deck crew, had some serious allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him between the show's final two seasons. Accused of misconduct with a member of Below Deck franchise's makeup team during a day when the cast was doing publicity, Gary claims the allegations are made up, but their existence has thrust a feud with Daisy into the spotlight.
Gary and Daisy are going strong in BDSY Season 5
Their rivalry stems from the previous season's reunion
Gary and Daisy have been friends for years, both appearing in Sailing yacht below deck Since their early days, their relationship has ebbed and flowed throughout the show's seasons. Although Gary focused on his career as a first officer and his connections with other women on the various crews he worked on, Daisy's time was spent between her career as Chief Stew and her relationship with Colin. After Below Deck Sailing yacht season 4, Daisy and Colin's relationship came true and then moved away from them.
Over the course of the show's final season, Daisy and Colin grew closer as Gary watched from the sidelines, unsure how to feel about the couple finally getting together after years of flirting with each other. Despite knowing that Colin and Daisy had real feelings for each other, Gary made it clear that he didn't agree with their relationship. When the pair talked about their split at the season reunion, Gary didn't hold back about how he felt about Daisywhich led the pair to fight throughout Sailing yacht below deck season 5.
Below Deck Viewers Don't Believe Their Drama Is Real
It looks overproduced
Although Daisy has opened up about the issues she had with Gary and how she struggled in the first few episodes of Sailing yacht below deck Season 5 Because of how he spoke to her in the show's previous reunion, something doesn't seem right about their issues. Gary and Daisy's friendship is long-standing, and so seeing them fight over his tone isn't something many thought would last this long. Instead of, some wondered if Below Deck producers have interfered in the feud, stretching it out to infuse some drama into the boring season.
Is Below Deck Sailing Yacht producing the Gary and Daisy drama?
They were accused of producer interference
Although Below Deck'As it's been criticized for producer interference over the years, it's clear there's something bigger going on in the show's more recent seasons. While Gary and Daisy may be struggling in their relationship, it's possible that their rivalry was exacerbated by the show's production team and turned into something even bigger than it actually is. Even though I know that Sailing yacht below deck has its layers of drama, the problems between Gary and Daisy would never be so great. It seems that Sailing yacht below deck could be using the pair for drama.
Sailing yacht below deck airs Mondays at 9pm EDT on Bravo.
Source: Below Deck/Instagram