Game of Thrones Star Natalie Dormer discusses her character's ending. Dormer made her debut in season 2 as Queen Margaery Tyrell and played the game of thrones in a smart and unique way by winning the favor of the resin in King's Landing. Despite her impressive ability to adapt and remain in power through many changes, including the deaths of King Renly Barathon, King Joffrey Barathon, and the rise of the High Sparrow and the Faith Militant. After years of character development, Margaery finally died in the season 6 finale and didn't make it Game of Thrones'Finally.
While talking with Collider Ladies Night, Dormer spoke of how she felt both frustrated and vindicated when Margaery died in the Great Sept of Baelor..
Dormer explained how much of her frustration was rooted in how Margaery felt in the scene, as the High Sparrow and the other characters refused to listen to her that they were being lured into Cersei Lannister's trap. She also discussed Margaery's last lines and her final moments with her brother, Loras Tyrell. Check out Dormer's comments below:
I was frustrated that she went like that, but then she was frustrated at the scene. An older actor once told me, don't get confused. If you're feeling something, always check that it's not just your character feeling it and, by osmosis, it's seeping into you. Because if you play something, your body doesn't know any different, and if you play something repetitively like you obviously have to on a shoot, sometimes that emotion can seep into you. So, of course, she deserved better. I wanted more for you. But she's so frustrated at the moment with the Sparrow, so that's part of it, so you know you're doing it right, because you're like, "I just need someone to listen to me a little bit more."
She was vindicated in the end. It's just a couple of sentences, but that's all that needs to be said. I felt like I could let her go at that moment because she did.
It's one of the most unique experiences about being an actor when you get those moments of a character recognizing their mortality. It's a very specific thing, when a character is suddenly facing death, and it's something only your imagination can do.
Why Margaery's death worked in the show
She played the game of thrones well till the end
As Dormer pointed out in her comments, Margaery's death was well done. Her last lines reveal that she was the only person in the Great Sept of Baelor who realized that they had played right into Cersei's hands and were in imminent danger. Margaery has always been more cunning and insightful than most of the other characters playing the game of thronesAnd she only lost because other powerful players didn't listen to her and refused to let Margaery or Loras leave the sept before the caches of wildfire below ignited.
It may be difficult for Martin's continued books to surpass Dormer's performance and Margaery's tragic, though satisfying Game of Thrones Death.
Margaery was always superior to Cersei when it came to winning over the Little People and charming others, even gaining significant influence over Cersei's son, King Tommen Baratheon. The only way Cersei could beat her was by being more ruthlessAnd even then Margaery figured out her plan, but it was too late to stop it. It was a perfect way to set up the conflict between Margaery and Cersei, and an effective means for Cersei to eliminate all of her King's Landing enemies in one fell swoop.
While Game of Thrones has received criticism for certain ways it has adapted A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the adaptation of the show Margaery is one way that the HBO series improved on the source material. Dormer is frustrated by her death scene is understandable because her character has always been cunning, but was too late in her realization. Margaery is still alive in the books, and it remains to be seen if she will meet the same fate. It may be difficult for Martin's continued books to surpass Dormer's performance and Margaery's tragic, though satisfying Game of Thrones Death.
Source: Collider Ladies Night