Game of Thrones Seasons 7 and 8 reveal the likely direction of many storylines. A Song of Ice and Fire, and Jon Snow's twist on the HBO show may have ruined the most satisfying reveal in George R.R. Martin's books. martins Ice Song and Fire the series still has two sequels before it is completed. But while The winds of winter and A spring dream will not be identical to Game of Thrones' finishing, they are likely to show some of the same curves. After all, Martin said Rolling Stone that he shared"main points" from his sketch with the showrunners.
This doesn't mean Martin will stick to the intended conclusion, as he is still working on the remaining two books. However, the twist in Jon's parentage is something even Martin's original Game of Thrones plan included. With that in mind, The winds of winter or A spring dream will likely reveal that Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's parents. This confirms a long-standing fan theory dating back to the first A Song of Ice and Fire book. Unfortunately, confirmation may be less satisfactory because the program arrived first.
Jon Snow's reveal in Game Of Thrones could make the book less exciting
It's not that big of a surprise now that the adaptation has confirmed it
If the last A Song of Ice and Fire books had already been released before Game of Thrones' end, confirmation of the R+L=J theory would have been a big deal. This would have validated fans after years of speculating about Jon Snow's true parentage. And it would have generated excitement around the character's future storyline, especially if the twist occurred during The winds of winter — leaving an entire book to do something with Jon's true identity. Unfortunately, the show confirming this theory means that the excitement surrounding this book's reveal will die down a bit.
Most readers already know what's coming, so it won't be all that exciting to be probed by Martin's opinion. A Song of Ice and Fire sequelae.
Most readers already know what's coming, so it won't be all that exciting to be probed by Martin's opinion. A Song of Ice and Fire sequelae. Additionally, Game of Thrones fails to do anything interesting with Jon's parentageusing it only to drive a wedge between him and Daenerys. Jon does not become king or accumulate followers due to his claim to the Iron Throne. Robert's rebellion is also not publicly denounced as a lie, so nothing actually happens from this revelation. This will leave readers to assume that the same will be true in ASOIAF, further damaging the next twist.
There's a way A Song of Ice and Fire could make Jon Snow's fatherhood satisfying after Season 8
George RR Martin's books may give greater meaning to Jon's ancestry
Game of Thrones Not doing anything with Jon's Targaryen ancestry could undermine Martin's upcoming reveal, but it also demonstrates how to do so A Song of Ice and Fire twist exciting again. The books could give greater meaning to Jon Snow's ancestryfinally delivering the plot that readers and viewers have been waiting for. They could put Jon Snow on the Iron Throne or at least see him using his true identity to gain influence. That wouldn't totally make up for it Game of Thrones spoiling the big reveal, but it would bring something new to the table.
This will give readers something to look forward to in the next A Song of Ice and Fire sequels, and this will reignite anticipation for Jon's story. In the books, Jon is still apparently dead after being betrayed by the Night's Watch. There's a lot Martin can still do with the character, and fulfilling his R+L=J plans in a new way could help the book series stay ahead of the HBO series. Game of Thrones.
Source: Rolling Stone