- Game of Thrones Made significant character changes from A Song of Ice and FireLike keeping Catelyn Stark dead as Lady Stoneheart.
Sandor Clegane's arc is different in the show, where he finds purpose and redemption fighting white walkers, unlike in the books.
The dog's character in the show is milder compared to the books, but his enhanced narrative importance adds depth and heroism.
Game of Thrones did Changed many book characters in their adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire. From adding new characters to changing key storylines, there's no shortage of differences the show has implemented. Some characters die in the books and come back to life as a new persona, but the show opted to keep them dead, such as with Catelyn Stark and Lady Stoneheart. in other cases, Game of Thrones Cut A Song of Ice and Fire characters for various reasons, including narrative conciseness, potential confusion, and significant plot changes.
Game of Thrones' Character changes are not always ideal. Let Arianne Martell hurt House Martell and their role in the larger story. Game of Thrones Season 8 went wrong in many ways, most notably in Daenerys Targaryen's character arc. The finale is still hotly debated five years later. However, the show's character changes aren't always bad. One particular character that Game of Thrones Improved is Sandor Clegane, also known as the Hound. Game of Thrones Gave the dog a more central roleBut they also changed aspects of his personality that helped his arc in later seasons.
Game Of Thrones changes Sandor Clegane's character from the books
Sandor Clegane has key differences between Game Of Thrones and its book counterpart
Both versions of Sandor Clegane in Game of Thrones And A Song of Ice and Fire Share similarities, but it's evident that the show changed Sandor significantly. One of the more minor changes is Sandor's age-In the books, the dog is almost 30 years old, but in the show, actor Rory McCann was over 40. The similarities that both versions of Sandor Clegane share are surface-level. They share the same backstory of their fear of fire, shame knights and lead cynical perspectives on life. however, Game of ThronesSandor Clegane and his book counterpart also share many differences.
How the dog is different in the HBO show compared to George RR Martin's books
Sandor Clegane's arc took a different trajectory
The most significant difference between Sandor Clegane's book and show counterparts is the trajectory of the character's arc. in A Song of Ice and FireThe fourth book, A feast for crowsreveals that Sandor Clegane died of wounds he received fighting Polliver and the Tickler, two of his brother's men. Game of Thrones Season 4 features an epic fight between Brienne and the Hound, which replaces his fight with Polliver and the Tickler from the books. Brienne seriously injures Sandor, and He expects to die, but unlike his book counterpart, he doesn't.
Books/Seasons |
Sandor Clegane's appearances |
A game of thrones (book 1) |
Revealed |
Game of Thrones Season 1 |
Appears in all episodes except "Pilot" and "Lord Snow" |
A clash of kings (Book 2) |
Revealed |
Game of Thrones Season 2 |
Appears in "The North Remembered," "Garden of Bones," "The Old Gods and the New," "A Man Without Honor," and "Blackwater." |
A storm of swords (Book 3) |
Out, presumably die |
Game of Thrones Season 3 |
Appears in all episodes except for "Valar Dohaeris" and "The Creep" |
A feast for crows (book 4) |
Has not appeared, but is mentioned |
Game of Thrones Season 4 |
Appears in all episodes except "The Lion and the Rose," "Oathyper," "The Laws of Gods and Men," and "The Watchers on the Wall" |
A dance with dragons (Book 5) |
Has not appeared, but is mentioned |
Game of Thrones Season 5 |
Does not appear |
Game of Thrones Season 6 |
Has not appeared except for "The Broken Man" and "No One" |
Game of Thrones Season 7 |
Appears in all episodes except for "Stormborn," "The Queen's Justice," and "The Spoils of War" |
Game of Thrones Season 8 |
Appears in all episodes except "The Iron Throne" |
A man named Ray saves Sandor and helps him heal. This experience is a defining point in Sandor Clegane's lifeLeading him to find purpose again with the Brotherhood, An Banner, traveled north to fight the White Wanderers. The dog also decides his goal is to defeat his brother once and for all, but he loses his life in the process. Even Sandor Clegane's personality is different, despite the similarities between his book and show arcs up until the diverging point of his death. Originally, Sandor Clegane is much smaller and crueler A Song of Ice and Fire.
Game of Thrones is available to stream on HBO Max.
His character is more brutal, and his affection for Sansa Stark is much more twisted. Game of Thrones Transforms Sandor Clegane's personality into a much milder version. He is still cynical and somewhat caring for Sansa, however He is not nearly as vulgar or cruel as his book counterpart. This particular change may initially seem like a disservice because it waters down the Hound's brutality. However, considering Sandor Clegane's evolution into Game of ThronesIt's much more plausible for Sandor to find purpose again and somehow redeem himself than in A Song of Ice and Fire.
Game of Thrones makes the dog even better
The unexpected bravery of the dog makes him more sympathetic and fascinating
Game of Thrones' Changes for Sandor Clegane ultimately improved his character. The show gives Sandor a more meaningful purpose in the narrative than in A Song of Ice and Fire. Although it is speculated that Sandor Clegane is not actually dead in the books, nothing indicates otherwise at this time. However, Sandor Clegane becomes much more involved in the overall story in Game of Thrones. His time with Ray gave him purpose again. Sandor Clegane becomes a key fighter against the White Walkers- So much Game of Thrones Consider having the dog kill the night king.
However, nothing in the dog's arc in the books indicates that he will have a crucial part in the final battle, whereas the show establishes his importance the moment he survives his wounds.
The dog is too The man who defeated the mountain once and for allA long death. The books don't give Sandor Clegane that kind of narrative importance. If George RR Martin ever rectifies The winds of winter Delay, it is possible that Sandor Clegane may not be dead and will have a role to play in the fight against the white walkers. However, nothing in the dog's arc in the books indicates that he will have a crucial part in the final battle, whereas the show establishes his importance the moment he survives his wounds.
Although Sandor Clegane finds purpose in the show, he remains as cynical as ever. But, it is No room in A Song of Ice and Fire For Sandor to discover his purposeEspecially because of the plotlines that don't exist in Game of Thrones That must gain closure in the books. It also makes sense for the dog to have a more prominent role in the show because of all the book characters that didn't appear in the adaptation. Game of Thrones Made excellent use of the dog, turning him into a lovable antihero.