Galactus Has long been considered one of Marvel's most powerful characters. A real force of nature, the grief of worlds can go toe-to-toe with almost any force that is thrown at it. And one such power often pitted against the former Gallen of Taa in the minds of fans is the Infinity Gauntlet - But the competition ended years ago.
The iconic Infinity Gauntlet Event series by Jim Starlin, George Pérez, Ron Lim, Joe Rubinstein and more settled this debate long before it started, as Issue #5 pits Galactus and other universal forces against Thanos himself. The mad titan with the titular gauntlet has already destroyed half of all life across the universe and laid waste to Marvel's remaining heroes.
Unfortunately, Galactus and his compatriots fare no better, and after a violent collision of cosmic proportions, Thanos uses his newfound power to overwhelm his omnipotent opponents. And in doing so, Thanos demonstrates just how powerful the Gauntlet is.
Galactus falls victim to the Infinity Gauntlet
The Gauntlet's potential is limitless
The Infinity Gauntlet is a nearly omnipotent tool in its home universe. Capable of devastating even abstract forces like Galactus, the Celestials and more, along with powerful Earth-bound heroes like Thor and the Hulk, fans are aware of the godlike power it bestows on its wielder. In the hands of an evil monster like the Mad Titan, Thanos, There is no limit to the chaos the Gauntlet can create. And unfortunately for Galactus, he had to learn this humbling reality first hand.
There is no shortage of godlike beings in the Marvel Universe, and Galactus is near the top of the list.
Considering that he is one of the fundamental forces of the universe and a vital part of the natural ecosystem of reality, there is no doubt that Galactus is a force to be reckoned with. Despite this seemingly incalculable power, The Devourer is not omnipotentAs fans have seen before. From Thor to Franklin Richards, Galactus has faced superior powers before. In his first encounter with the Fantastic Four, Galactus retreats when confronted with the Ultimate Nullifier - another weapon that rivals the destructive potential of the Infinity Gauntlet - proving in his first show that he is not infallible.
Galactus is certainly no pushover
The Devourer of Worlds cannot beat the Infinity Gauntlet
There is no shortage of godlike beings in the Marvel Universe, and Galactus is near the top of the list. As the devourer of worlds, this cosmic predator is a fundamental force that knows little directly. Unfortunately for the entity formerly known as Galan of Taa, the Infinity Gauntlet is not his equal, it is his superior. And should Galactus Face off with these Infinity Gauntlet Once again – worn by Thanos or anyone else – things could look bleak for the supposed apex predator of the Marvel Universe.
Infinity Gauntlet #5 is available now from Marvel Comics.