Galactus has his eyes on a new power that will transform him into one of horror's greatest monsters

Galactus has his eyes on a new power that will transform him into one of horror's greatest monsters

Warning: contains spoilers Achievement 2099 #5!

On your worst day, Galactus is one of the most powerful and fearsome beings in the Marvel Universe. His appetite is already legendary, but his apparent fusion with vampire lord Dracula in Marvel's 2099 timeline will take that hunger to epic proportions. A planet-devouring cosmic being combined with one of the most voracious blood drinkers in history is the stuff of literal nightmares.

Conquest 2099 #5 – written by Steven Orlando, art by José Luis Soares Pinto – concluded Marvel's futuristic, high-octane miniseries with a potentially game-changing turn of events like the final panel showed Dracula in the clutches of Galactus, as the cosmic giant apparently prepares to consume him.

Dracula is suspended in red energy in front of Galactus.

Galactus and Dracula already share an insatiable hunger, with Galactus staking out planets for his next meal, while Dracula lunches on anything with blood flowing. However, the vampire lord is truly greedy, and Galactus' adoption of this quality would spell doom.

By consuming Dracula, Galactus 2099 could become his most terrifying incarnation in Marvel history

Conquest 2099 #5 – Written by Steve Orlando; Art by José Luis Soares Pinto; Color by Andrew Dalhouse; Cory Petit Lyrics

As one of Marvel's strongest beings, Galactus already possesses godlike powers. His ability to absorb energy is almost unmatched and, as a consequence, he has many other abilities. A sliver of his Power Cosmic is enough to create his incredible Heralds, and he is connected to the very fabric of the universe. There's little he isn't capable of in his natural, unaltered state, which makes the idea of ​​absorbing a creature like Dracula all the more alarming. Dracula is not the first powerful being he has drained, but the vampire lord's insatiable appetite and gluttony may awaken the same impulses in Galactus.

By absorbing even an iota of Dracula's bloodlust, Galactus would transform into a monster of unimaginable proportions.

Normally, Galactus seeks out just enough worlds to sustain himself and his ever-present hunger. The destruction he causes does not come from malevolence or purposeful evil. This is not the case with Dracula, who often delights in the bloodshed he causes. In the 2099 timeline, the vampire lord never intended to be satisfied with freeing his people and was instead plotting universal conquest. By absorbing even an iota of Dracula's bloodlust, Galactus would no longer exist outside the traditional boxes of "good" and "evil" and would instead transform into a monster of unimaginable proportions - with the power to support him.

The Marvel Universe is not ready for “Galactula”

A black silhouette of Galactus on a red background with the text "Coming 2025".

The heroes of 2099 have just emerged from a bloody war between vampires and Araneons, and their victory was not easy. Even with the combined forces of the ultimate Nova, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Cyclops, Phoenix, and Red Hulk, they only achieved complete victory over Dracula and the Araneons due to Silver Surfer's help, while 2099's Star-Lord did not. managed to stop the vampire lord entirely. They struggled to deal with the enemies thrown their way, and stopping even the “standard” World Devourer is no easy task. If Galactus absorb Dracula hunger, your appetite will be practically unstoppable and the universe of 2099 is not prepared to face him.

Conquest 2099 #5 is now available from Marvel Comics.