The Eater of Worlds... The Eater of Worlds... The Great Destroyer... the iconic Marvel villain called Galactus is known by countless names throughout the universe, but one that may surprise many is... Dad! That's right, in a Marvel reality show, Galactus fathers a daughter – through a complex plot involving a cosmic tapeworm called – Gali, or Galacta, who fights against her inherited hunger to become a true hero.
Now, in a gorgeous variant cover by acclaimed artist Peach Momoko, promoting the upcoming Marvel Rivals video game, Galacta chose a shocking Marvel hero to be its first official Herald... the beloved Land Shark named Jeff!
Marvel Rivals is a highly anticipated team-based PvP shooter - a collaboration between Marvel Games and NetEase Games - that's packed with epic playable characters, including the fan-favorite Galacta. Momoko's gorgeous variant cover, revealed by Wonder and that will grace Fantastic Four #28, features Galacta among the stars, cuddling your new and incredibly adorable HeraldJeff, who also appears to have been upgraded to cosmic proportions.
Jeff The Land Shark is used to going on wild adventures
Galacta will have her work cut out for her...
The iconic Galacta was presented in Spectacular Marvel Wizard Size #2, debuting as Gali – or “The Daughter of the Eater of Worlds” – a teenage version of Galactus using the Power Cosmic to hide on Earth as a human, protecting the planet from extraterrestrial threats. Coming from Earth-610102, Gali manages to control the powerful hunger he inherited from his fatherchoosing to devour Earth's enemies rather than destroy the planet itself. Spectacular Marvel Wizard Size ended with a fan vote, deciding which tale would be expanded into a limited series, and unsurprisingly, Gali won the vote, leading to her debut series. Galactica.
While many fans may not know about Galacta - most heard about her when it was announced that she would appear in Marvel Rivals - the beloved Jeff the Land Shark is one of Marvel's most famous animal characters. Debuting in 2019 West Coast Avengers (Vol. 3) #7, Jeffrey was initially saved by Gwenpool after the team fought a group of Land Sharks created by BRODOK, adopting Jeff as a mascot for his Avengers squad. Since then, Jeff has had countless adventures with heroes like Elsa Bloodstone, Deadpool and Kate Bishop, even bonding with a symbiote for some time. Jeffrey is more than used to going on ridiculous adventures with Marvel heroes and villains, which means he'll be able to handle anything Galacta throws at him!
Galacta and Jeff could become Earth's greatest defenders
If only Gali could travel to Earth-616...
Galacta has yet to appoint a Herald to work with her, mainly because she doesn't need one... but if she were to somehow manage to get into Earth-616, she would definitely need a guide to her new universe. Gali was last seen pregnant - yes, with her own Cosmic Tapeworm - devouring a star with the Shard of Ire in it, in 2024 Marvel Voices Infinity Comic #94, suggesting that Galacta could enter Marvel's main canon in the near future. Jeff would be the perfect Herald for Galacta, helping the young cosmic entity control his hunger and adjust to life in a new reality. Plus, it would be truly iconic to see Jeffrey with the Power Cosmic...
While there is no confirmation from Marvel if, or when, Marvel's daughter Galactus May travel to the Earth-616 universe, but if Galacta finds a way to the main Marvel reality, I hope she chooses fan favorite Jeff the Land Shark to be her adorable and cuddly Herald.
Fantastic Four #28 from Marvel Comics debuts on January 22, 2025.
Source: Marvel Entertainment