Futurama season 12 has used the same story twice in the last four episodes

Futurama season 12 has used the same story twice in the last four episodes

Warning: Contains spoilers for Futurama Season 12, Episode 6!

Futurama is known for telling all kinds of crazy original storylines over its 12 seasons, which is why it's so strange that the series only repeats the same story twice in one season. For the most part, Hulu Futurama Revival has managed to recapture the charm and originality of the original show, with many of the episodes from Futurama Seasons 11 and 12 hold up to the quality of some of the best Futurama Episodes. however, Futurama Season 12, Episode 6 just retreads ground In a strange way, borrowing a story from only a few episodes ago.

Futurama Season 12, episode 6, "Attack of the Clothes" sees Farnsworth decide to take on another wacky experiment, this time attempting to create a headless Frankenstein's monster of his own. After enlisting guest star Cara Delevingne to star as the creature, the clothes Farnsworth designs for him become immensely popular, elevating the scientist to fashion icon status. Farnsworth creates a fast fashion empire in New York, and while the entire story so far is original, this is where it gets a little repetitive.


"Attack of the Clothes" repeats "The Temp's" Waste Planet storyline

Only a few episodes later

Strangely enough, the episode "Attack of the clothes" essentially Repeats a major storyline of Futurama Season 12, Episode 3, "The Temp." In "Attack of the Clothes," Farnsworth begins instructing his customers to throw their old clothes into a garbage can-shaped wormhole, sending the waste to an unknown location. After some of the characters enter the wormhole, they discover that it leads to another planet that has been decimated by the harvest leftovers. The inhabitants of the planet were seemingly killed, with it being completely filled with trash.

Interestingly, a very similar junk planet played a major role in the story of "The Temp" just a few episodes ago. In "The Temp", the Planet Express crew is assigned a job in which they must take a load of New York's old books and throw them onto a giant junk planet. Upon arrival on the waste planet, the titular temp worker is left behind, with them later returning, picking up the temp worker, and leaving Frey behind. Much of the episode centers around the junk planet, which is why it's odd that another particular junk planet returned so soon.


Futurama season 12 even repeats the Planet Express crew member fate story

The new members have dark endings

Centering the story around a junk planet isn't the only thing that "Attack of the Clothes" seemingly lifts from "The Temp," as it also repeats the fate of one Planet Express crew member. In "Attack of the Clothes," Cara Delevingne's version of Frankenstein's monster joins the Planet Express crew on their expedition into the wormhole. However, she is left behind when fleeing the planet, leaving her stranded on the other side of the wormhole.

Interestingly, "The Temp" also has something similar, With his new Planet Express crew member get left behind. After dropping the books off on the trash planet, the main cast of Futurama Forget about the temp worker, leaving him alone. He's been stranded on the junk planet for years, plotting his revenge. The temp worker is eventually rescued by the Planet Express crew, allowing him to carry out his villainous plan. Although the stories have slight differences, it's funny how similar they are.


How Futurama's New Waste Planet Differs from the Previous Season 12 Storyline

The fate of the planet is much darker

Although both episodes have trash planets and characters left behind on them, there is one major difference between how "Attack of the Clothes" and "The Temp" handle the stories. In "The Temp," the junk planet appears to be just another planet designated as a junkyard, with not much else known about it. However, "Attack of the Clothes" has a trash planet that is much darker.

The last one Futurama Episode reveals that Farnsworth's wormhole does not lead to another planet. Instead, it leads to a future earth. This means that the trash planet the characters saw earlier in the episode is actually a post-apocalyptic Earth, with Farnsworth's clothes eventually covering everything and killing everyone on the planet. This tragic twist on the repeated Futurama The story makes the version of episode 6 stand out a little more, although both episodes are good regardless.