The 2024 installment in the Mad Max series, Furiosa: A Mad Max Sagaprovided some fascinating context for the dystopian franchise, but despite mostly positive reviews, the movie failed to repeat what Mad Max managed to do with its original run in the 1980s. Mad Max gave Mel Gibson his breakthrough role as Max Rokkatansky and became the highest-grossing movie ever made at the time. While Mad Max Has a 90% positive Rotten Tomatoes rating, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Top it off, with a 94% rating and a new post-apocalyptic wasteland setting - Defining what we know as Mad Max Today.
With advances in CGI and an increased budget for the Mad Max franchise, fury way Delivered and improved on the themes viewers now expect from Mad Max When it reboots the Mad Max Franchise 30 years after Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. fury way Brings intense action, vehicles that exist on a different creative level than the previous movies, and Furiosa: a compelling main character alongside Max. However, although its sequel addressed the fascinating backstory of Furiosa and received a 90% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it did not improve. fury way
Furiosa failed to improve on Fury Road after Mad Max 2 topped the first movie
Mad Max: The Road Warrior established a new post-apocalyptic world
Whereas Mad Max 2 essentially reinvented the franchise, Furiosa Offered nothing like radical or progressive. The result is that, for all its strength, Furiosa Will never be seen in the same light as the series' original 1981 sequel. Mad Max 2 Contains elements of the original Mad MaxLike modified cars and larger-than-life characters, but the barely recognizable wasteland setting introduced an entirely new environment for Max to explore. This expands the Mad Max universe, Improve on Mad Max By keeping audiences interested in this new world.
Furiosa explained the tragic history of the character, who was left a compelling mystery throughout fury way But, while Furiosa introduced new characters and gave Furiosa more screen time, Furiosa Did not expand these Mad Max Study a lot and therefore did not improve on fury way There is nothing, for example, as transformative as a brand new environment.
Mad Max 2 Established a new post-apocalyptic universe, with new rules for survival, so viewers see a dramatic change in Max between the first and second movies.
Mad Max 2 Established a new post-apocalyptic universe, with new rules for survival, so viewers see a dramatic change in Max between the first and second movies. Every major feature of Mad Max has been exaggeratedFrom the modified cars to the antagonistic characters, while the movie still maintains a sense of humor. This approach allowed the franchise complete creative freedom in vehicle and character design, and the resulting creations have become a defining feature of the Mad Max Franchise. Unfortunately, there is nothing comparable in Furiosa.
Furiosa is still great, despite not living up to Fury's way
A Furiosa sequel could significantly expand the Mad Max universe
While Furiosa has been criticized for its overuse of CGI, and does not expand on these Mad Max universe to the same extent that fury way has, Furiosa is another good story. Furiosa References past Mad Max Characters like Lord Humungus, with the appearance of antagonist Dementus' chariot, and gives viewers a new road warrior in Praetorian Jack. Furiosa's brutal ending packs a similar punch to Immortal Joe's death when his mask is ripped from his face, and Chris Hemsworth's Dementus steals the show when he's on screenLeaving the potential for a Dementus spin-off.
Dementia is typical Mad Max A villain like him is visually distinctive and arrogant, but also funny. Viewers learn enough of his backstory that A Dementus spin-off could be set in a completely different area of the apocalypseWith different rules for survival. An alternative could be focusing on Praetorian Jack and placing him in an area that viewers have seen but not explored, for example, if Gastown or the Bullet Farm extended far underground. A Furiosa Sequel could significantly elaborate on these Mad Max Learn in a way that Furiosa Did not - highlighting how the movie still has a lot to praise it.
- Director
George Miller
- Release date
May 24, 2024
- runtime
148 minutes