Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 1!After a cliffhanger ending that left Tabitha’s fate and whereabouts as mysterious as ever, of Season 3 returns to officially reveal where the lighthouse portal brought you. Among the biggest unanswered questions yet of Season 2 was where Tabitha went in the finale. After traveling through the forest to reach the lighthouse tower, Tabitha is pushed out of the glass window by the mysterious boy in whitewhich cryptically tells you that it is “The only way.” When Tabitha woke up, she was in a hospital room outside of the city, but it was not clear where exactly she had been taken.
of Season 3, episode 1 finally provides some clarification about Tabitha’s new location, confirming that she is back in real society. While some theories still of Season 2’s ending suggested that she might be sent to a different trapped manifestation of the mysterious city, Tabitha is actually able to wander around the new location and even call her mother, who confirms that the family has been reported missing all along. However, before Tabitha can begin to make her way back to her family, She realizes her fall transported her to a place connected to another resident of ofs township.
From Lighthouse Gate brings Tabitha to Camden, Maine
Tabitha is transported to Victor’s hometown by the boy in white
After Tabitha survived her fall from the lighthouse tower, she was rescued by hikers who found her in the woods of Camden, Maine. While the location initially seemed random, as Tabitha and the Matthews family were traveling from the other side of the country to Yellowstone when they disappeared, Camden happens to be the hometown of Victor, the township’s longest resident. Once Tabitha leaves the hospital and calls her mom, she finds Victor’s home address written in his old lunch box, which takes her to the home that Victor’s father still lives in today.
It is It is unclear whether the lighthouse gate brings every person who falls from it to CamdenOr if the destination is different for each case. The show has never revealed whether another person is related to ofThe cast of characters successfully left the township, so it would take another resident to be pushed out of the lighthouse to confirm the answers. However, Camden being Victor’s hometown hints that the destination is very purposeful on behalf of the boy in white.
Why the lighthouse gate goes to Victor’s hometown
Victor’s family and route to the city may be key to understanding his origins
Posing as the township’s most mysterious resident, Victor has arrived ofs city before anyone else now trapped there. He was driving with his sister and mother when they were trapped sometime in the 1960s or 1970s, and soon became the sole survivor of the biggest slaughter by the nocturnal creatures. Being the first known inhabitants, Understanding Victor’s arrival in the city seems to hold the key to finding out where exactly the township isWhy and how victims are trapped there, and what their supernatural origins contain.
The Lighthouse Gate also took Tabitha to Camden, Maine in order to find Victor’s fatherWho was not on the road with his family and spent decades unaware of what happened to his wife, son and daughter. Victor’s father probably knows the intended route of the Kavanaughs when they originally left town, and may have some insight into strange events in the township trickling over into real society. By finding Victor’s father and discussing the mysteries with him, Tabitha has her best chance of finding the town and reuniting with her family. of Season 3.