Frankenstein's Dark Past Takes the DCU Show Down Its Most Torturous Path Yet

Frankenstein's Dark Past Takes the DCU Show Down Its Most Torturous Path Yet

Creature Commands
It's already proven itself as an adult animated show, but episode 5 makes things much darker. Following the usual model of introducing a new main character in each episode, “The Iron Pot” follows Frankenstein's journey from his initial rejection by the Bride to his current adventures with Rick Flagg Sr. While it's a solid entry in the series, it's certainly not It's the best so far.

Frankenstein and Rick Flagg Sr. are currently allied in an effort to find out if Circe's vision is trustworthy. Meanwhile, the rest of Task Force M, led by the Bride, lands on Pokolistan ready to complete their new mission. As the story progresses to the present day, Frankenstein's origins are revealed and the character appears more brutal and broken than ever.

Frankenstein is an absolute monster

David Harbor voices Frankenstein's monster in Creature Commandsand while the character is a wonderful addition and provides a lot of comic relief, this episode shows a darker side to the character. However, this also comes with more ignorance, as the monster seems to feel completely justified and righteous in his efforts. Despite this, he becomes less funny and more deceptively evil as he continues to appear on screen.

The best parts of the episode came in the developments discovered by Rick and Frankenstein.

Episode 5 also shows the rest of the team racing to complete their mission and offers some incredible scenes with intense action and a particularly strong performance from Doctor Phosphorous, whose lack of appearance in the previous episode was disappointing. However, the best parts of the episode came in the developments discovered by Rick and Frankenstein.

However, this episode also feels like the one that least advances the action and story of the series so far. Although James Gunn managed to masterfully use the approximately 20 minutes of each episode to tell several stories and give the characters shining moments, this episode changes very little. Almost everything that happens was set in motion in episode 4, and by the end of the fifth, only one significant new element had been introduced.

Moral lines become increasingly blurred in creature commands

Everyone on the show operates with their own agenda, but the intriguing part of the story is seeing how those goals overlap and what the supposed monsters do. While The Bride, Phosphorous, Weasel, and Nina Mazursky may look very different physically, these prisoners have been thrust into someone else's war. Meanwhile, other characters' intentions seem more vague and mysterious.

Each character is simply becoming more and more defined by their actions, or inactions, rather than who is right and who is wrong.

Princess Ilana, Circe, and others have personal motives that have not yet been fully explored, but it is challenging to judge who is right and who is wrong. However, since the story is literally about monsters being judged as such simply because of their appearance, it makes sense for Gunn to blur the lines and engage with this dynamic in a fun way. As a result, each character is simply becoming more and more defined by their actions or inactions rather than by who is right and wrong.

But there is no doubt that there are monsters in the series. As Creature Commands As episode 5 delves into the depths of certain characters' motives and highlights their most terrifying hidden secrets, the show races towards the finale. With only two episodes left, there's still a lot to be resolved and very little time to do it, but as long as Gunn can get back on track and make efficient use of episode time, Creature Commands season 1 should end on a high note.

New episodes of Creature Commands Drop by Max weekly every Thursday.


  • David Harbor does an excellent job of creating a complex Frankenstein.
  • As the motives become more confusing, the show's message becomes clearer.

  • Less progress in the story than in previous episodes.