Rebecca Yarros' secret project to Fourth Wing could make this missed opportunity A court of thorns and roses much worse for the audience that loves the series. Yarros' secret Fourth Wing The project was recently announced on his Instagram, with many looking for clues in the post and speculating about what the project could be about. The most popular theory in the comments was another bonus chapter from the first book in Xaden's point of viewadding to the other three Yarros already published. Others, however, have gone a step further, theorizing that Yarros could be rewriting the entire first book in Xaden's point of view.
Although this is great for Fourth Wingthe audience of, those who love other series, such as A court of thorns and roses, We must continue to wait for any news about the future of the series. Updates next A court of thorns and roses, book 6, unfortunately they were few and far between. This lack of updating combined with the potential continuation of this romantic trend with Fourth Wing makes it an ignored possibility for A court of thorns and roses until sadderespecially for those who love the High Lord of the Night Court in the series.
Fourth Wing's secret project could make ACOTAR's Rhysand's missed opportunity sadder
Retelling ACOTAR from Rhysand's point of view would be fascinating
If the secret project for Fourth Wing is the first book from Xaden's point of view, so the unexplored option of rewriting A court of thorns and roses from Rhysand's point of view it would be even more depressing for the audience and also something Sarah J. Maas should consider. A book from Rhysand's point of view has been a persistent demand from audiences who love Maas's works, as the trend of retellings and exchanges of perspectives continues. The possibility was explored in a widely popular fanfic, but Maas has made no announcement about the creation of a canonical version of this story.
Exploring Fourth Wing from Xaden's point of view, then, it would just highlight how disappointing the lack of this story is in A court of thorns and roses. Both series contain nuances that the central protagonist may not be present in and internal moments that they have no way of capturing. Xaden's bonus chapters were able to clarify these nuances, adding more context to his choices and character than a book in Rhysand's point of view could offer.proving that both projects are worth pursuing for these romantic series.
Rhysand's POV has as much potential as Fourth Wing's version of Xaden
A book from his point of view could show Rhysand's ignored struggles
Retelling the events of A court of thorns and roses from Rhysand's point of view it is as worthy an effort as retelling Fourth Wing Xaden's, especially since Rhysand's arc had several ignored aspects. As mentioned, Xaden's POV chapters in Fourth Wing expanded on his growing love for Violet and his inner turmoil during the plot of the first book. The chapters allowed the audience to see Xaden's actions and words in a new context while also adding more to the world by showing what he was doing out of Violet's sight.
Rhysand's trauma and its effects are only glimpsed throughout the series, so a retelling could show his struggles and recontextualize his most vulnerable moments with Feyre.
Through a recount of A court of thorns and roses, Rhysand's story could reap the same benefits, allowing audiences to see more of his mental health journey and what he did when Feyre wasn't around. Rhysand's trauma and its effects are only glimpsed throughout the series, so a retelling could show his struggles and recontextualize his most vulnerable moments with Feyre. It would also add more context to his many plans in the first book, giving Rhysand's story as many fascinating moments as Xaden's in a potential Fourth Wing retelling.