Forget Lady Stoneheart, Catelyn Stark's Fate In George R.R. Martin's Original Game Of Thrones Plan Was Worse

Forget Lady Stoneheart, Catelyn Stark's Fate In George R.R. Martin's Original Game Of Thrones Plan Was Worse

Catelyn Stark meets a tragic end in Game of Thrones third season, but her death would have been worse with George R.R. Martin's original plan. martins A Song of Ice and Fire The books have yet to reveal the fates of all of their characters, but Catelyn and Robb Stark die very early in the series - and in a very similar way to their book counterparts. The deaths of both characters at the Red Wedding may have come as a surprise to TV-only fans, but those familiar with Martin's series knew it was coming.

And while Catelyn's death at the hands of the Freys, Boltons, and Lannisters is horrific enough, it's nothing compared to what she could have faced. Original by Martin Game of Thrones plan saw a handful of stories unfold very differently of what they do in the books and show. From Sansa and Joffrey having a child to Jaime Lannister claiming the Iron Throne, Martin's initial outline for his A Song of Ice and Fire books is almost unrecognizable in its final product. In it, Catelyn Stark didn't die at the Red Wedding - but she still met a grim end.

There was no Red Wedding in GRRM's original plan

Robb Stark died on the battlefield

The reason Catelyn didn't die at the Red Wedding in Martin's initial A Song of Ice and Fire The plan is for the incident not to exist. This appears to be a twist that Martin came up with later, although he always intended for Robb and Catelyn to die. In the author's original draft, Robb died on the battlefield instead of at the Red Wedding. In some ways, it's a fitting fate for the character, who becomes arrogant after racking up a series of victories against the Lannisters. And Robb would have harmed Joffrey in the process, allowing him to deliver some retribution for Ned's execution.

However, it is perhaps more appropriate that Robb's diplomatic shortcomings result in his downfall. And it's far more tragic that his mother is present at his death, heightening the emotional stakes of the Red Wedding. Catelyn did not accompany Robb when he went to war in Martin's original draftmeaning she wouldn't witness his death or die alongside him. Nor would she become the undead and vengeful Lady Stoneheart, a development that only exists in ASOIAF books - but with Martin's initial plans for Catelyn, that almost didn't happen.

How Catelyn Died in GRRM's Original Plan and Why That Means No Lady Stoneheart

She died north of the wall

Catelyn Stark in Game of Thrones wearing a fur coat

With the Red Wedding not happening in Martin's original ASOIAF plan, Catelyn died in another way - and it happened north of the Wall. The books and TV show never took Catelyn there, but Martin's sketch had Catelyn fleeing to the Wall shortly after Ned's death. She took Bran and Arya with her, probably out of fear of retaliation from the Lannisters. Unfortunately, Benjen was unable to help her, so she ended up traveling beyond the Wall. This sealed Catelyn's fate, as Martin intended for her to be killed by the Others.

Better known as the White Walkers in Game of Thrones, the Others are the real threat in Martin's fantasy series. Catelyn's initial death would have highlighted how dangerous they really are. It also would have been a more horrible ending for her character than the one she ultimately got. While the Red Wedding was devastating, it wasn't entirely surprising in a series so focused on the struggles and evils of human power. Tywin's actions during Robert's Rebellion made it clear he would only go so far, and Catelyn's death was swift. She also returned and took revenge on her enemies as Lady Stoneheart.

It may not have been quick and may have even seen Catelyn return in an even worse way than in A Song of Ice and Fire.

In contrast, Catelyn's original A Song of Ice and Fire fate would have seen her die in fear and in an unknown place. She wouldn't be waiting for the Others, although she would at least know the risks she and Robb were taking with the war against the Lannisters. Her original death may not have been quick and may have even seen Catelyn return in a worse way than in A Song of Ice and Fire.

Catelyn Stark could have returned in an even worse way

Her original song of ice and fire, death could have made her a creature

If Catelyn Stark had been killed by the Others as Martin intended, she probably would have returned as a creature at the end A Song of Ice and Fire books. This would arguably be worse than Lady Stoneheart's fate, as it could result in her attacking her own children. Lady Stoneheart only seeks revenge against those responsible for the Red Wedding, but having Catelyn become a creature would be painful for her and the rest of the Starks.

It's probably for the best that Martin didn't go through with this original plan for Catelyn Starkand this is true of many of the changes he made to his original draft. His willingness to change his plans also resulted in the Red Wedding, which has gone down as one of the greatest moments in history. A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. It's hard to imagine the books or display them without them, a fact that further proves that Martin made the right choice.