Floof Triplets Mission Guide

Floof Triplets Mission Guide

The last event in Infinite NikkiThe Companion Day event offers many limited-time missions for fashion designers to enjoy to earn more diamonds and crafting materials. One of the missions from the game's first major event, "Floof triples," is simple to complete and rewards 30 diamonds and 100 purity threads that can be used on the latest clothing banners. You may want to complete this quest as it will only be available until 11:50am PST on December 29, 2024 , like many other missions and opportunities presented in the game's latest event.

"The Floof triplets" is a photographic investigation mission in Infinite Nikki This requires you to identify certain figures in photos. These quests are found in Miraland and can be an easy way to collect rewards as they don't take up much of your time. These quests usually involve an NPC asking you to locate specific figures in the photos they present to you.rewarding you when you manage to find all the necessary targets. Many of these and more have been added to the Companion Day event.

Photographic investigation: location of the Floof Triplets mission

Meet Fresnay outside the Florawish Fashion Designers Guild building

The quest can be found not far from the teleportation tower outside the Florwish Stylist Guild building. You will need to look for an NPC called Fresnay, an older woman who will be sitting near a kiosk. She can be found near the hopscotch area and the Surprise-O-Matic machine, which are landmarks known to be outside the Stylist Guild building. Once you're in the area for the first time, the quest will prompt you and you can track it down if you need to return to it later.

Locating Fresnay is perhaps the biggest job you'll ever need to put on this mission, as it is a photographic investigation mission, which is one of the easiest types in the game. Players will likely already have the teleport tower for this area unlocked and have already discovered the city of Florawish. For new players, the area will be shown at the start of the main story mission. Florawish and its Stylist Guild building are important areas in the game, so stylists will encounter them at some point in their journey.

How to finish the photo investigation: The Floof Triplets Quest

Find the shy Floof named Ace in the photo

infinite-nikki-floof-triplets-ace location

After speaking to Fresnay, she will express her frustration at how difficult it is to see things. She will then ask you help identify one of Floof's triplets, Acein the photo she is looking at. Fresnay will explain the different personalities of the triplets, which will give you the clues you need to correctly identify your companion. According to Fresnay, Deuce is lively and runs around, Trey loves to sleep, and Ace is shy and loving.

You will be reminded of the important clue during the investigation part, so don't stress about remembering.

When you're done listening to the clues you need, you'll see a photo of the triplets in a cutscene. The photo investigation portion of the mission begins, and finding Ace among the other Floofs is simple. Ace is Floof hidden among the flower bushes due to his shy nature. Just click on the Ace and the mission will be complete, as this is the only target to be identified in the image. Afterwards, finish talking to Fresnay and you will be rewarded with some diamonds and threads automatically.

The rewards for this quest are 30 Diamonds in total and 100 Steps of Purity, which you can use in your future adventures in Infinite Nikki. More events like the Companion Day Event will be added to the game in the future, offering more limited-time quests that can help players get more crafting and spending materials. With more missions provided with this event and easier photo investigation missions in Miraland, stylists are presented with ways to progress further and get more diamonds without spending any real money.


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