Five years ago, The Mandalorian was a new gateway for a new generation of Star Wars fans

Five years ago, The Mandalorian was a new gateway for a new generation of Star Wars fans

Today marks five years since the premiere of The Mandalorian on Disney+ as Star Wars first live-action TV show, and its legacy proves just how historic this moment was for the franchise. First announced in 2018, The Mandalorian became an integral part of the Star Wars universe. Din Djarin and Grogu are now revered as some of the Star Wars best characters, and their story will now be the first in Star Wars move from the small screen to the big screen in The Mandalorian and Grogu film. It all started on this day five years ago.

I can hardly believe it's been half a decade since The Mandalorian debuted, as it truly seems like it was only yesterday that we met Din Djarin and “Baby Yoda” for the first time. Us Star Wars fans were eagerly awaiting the final film in the sequel trilogy, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkerwhen The Mandalorian arrived, causing a major change in the Star Wars fandom - one that came towards our union for the first time in many years. While The Mandalorian It has certainly changed over five years, let's look at its full impact here.

The Mandalorian launched a new era of Star Wars

The New Republic Era and the Star Wars TV Show Era

Perhaps the greatest contribution The Mandalorian made for the Star Wars franchise with its debut was the way it launched a whole new era of Star Wars tell stories. Although detailed in Star Wars Legends of books and comics, The Mandalorian brought the years later Return of the Jedi to life for the first timetaking audiences to the era of the New Republic. This story left the public so intrigued and captivated that this era became Star Wars latest focus, with three separate TV shows and at least two upcoming Star Wars movies that are happening during this period.

However, it also launched a new Star Wars era in the real world: the television era. The Mandalorianthe company's success motivated Star Wars to follow your TV programs with enthusiasmand since then we've gotten a huge variety of live action series including The Book of Boba Fett, Obi Wan Kenobi, Andor, Ahsoka, The Acolyteand Skeleton Crew - three of which are direct spin-offs from The Mandalorian itself. These TV shows probably never would have happened if The Mandalorian missed the mark, proving how its success actually changed the franchise.

Din Djarin and Grogu attracted a new generation of fans

Audiences young and old watched his story

The Mandalorian not only opened doors for Star Wars itself, however. This TV show attracted many new viewers, particularly with the introduction of Grogu. Children around the world couldn't, and still can't, get enough of “Baby Yoda,” and he alone encouraged many young fans to get involved with Star Wars happy. The same goes for Din Djarin, whose iconic look is recognizable to just about anyone – regardless of whether they've watched the show or not. Success rewarded actor Pedro Pascal from Din Djarin after The Mandalorian it also attracted new viewers from its own fans.

The story of Din Djarin and Grogu resonated with audiences in a way that no other Star Wars story ever had, creating a gateway for many new fans.

Together, Din Djarin and Grogu presented Star Wars for a new generation of Star Wars fans, young and old. People who might not have liked the sequel trilogy were willing to give Star Wars a chance again. Those who have never been involved with Star Wars below the surface level of films suddenly found themselves wanting morefrom animated TV shows to books and comics. The story of Din Djarin and Grogu resonated with audiences in a way no other Star Wars history already had, creating a gateway for many new fans.

Despite the setbacks, The Mandalorian still has a bright future

The Mandalorian and Grogu movie arrives in 2026

Din Djarin and Grogu fly away from an explosion in The Mandalorian & Grogu movie concept art

With such a high standard established after the first season, The Mandalorian I was bound to stumble somewhere along the way. For some, this happened with The Book of Boba Fettwhere Din Djarin and Grogu's story was tightly integrated with that of the titular bounty hunter. For others, it was The Mandalorian Season 3, which saw Bo-Katan Kryze gain more prominence as she led the Mandalorians back to their home world. Despite the positive reception, The Mandalorian The second season was even the first stumbling block for some viewers, mainly because of its numerous character cameos.

The Mandalorian's Rotten Tomatoes scores


Critical score

Audience Score

The Mandalorian season 1 (2019)



The Mandalorian season 2 (2020)



The Book of Boba Fett (2021-2022)



The Mandalorian season 3 (2023)



Despite these setbacks, however, The Mandalorian It's certainly not beyond redemption. With The Mandalorian and Grogu set as next Star Wars film, and the first in the franchise to hit theaters since 2019 The Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian continues to do Star Wars history. There are limitless possibilities for the story of Din Djarin and Grogu, and there is no doubt that Star Wars they will continue to take advantage of every open avenue they find. The Mandalorian remains as one of the Star Wars most well-known and highly regarded titles ever created.

How The Mandalorian Has Changed My Life Over the Past Five Years

This changed the course of my career

Din Djarin holds the controls of the Razor Crest while Grogu raises his hands in the background

I myself am living proof of how impactful The Mandalorian has been since its debut 5 years ago. I was sitting for the premiere in my college dorm, and its story completely swept me away. Even though it's a lifetime Star Wars fan, No story has really taken me away like this one.. Throughout The Mandalorian In the first season, I developed a deep connection with Din Djarin and his story, and by the end, I was completely hooked. From then on, I began to surrender to all Star Wars content that I could find.

I watched all the cartoons Star Wars TV shows for the first time, as well as watching missed episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars while I was growing up. I also started to get Star Wars books, learning more and more about the galaxy I've always loved, but only recently truly connected with. It was only a month or so later The Mandalorianthe debut that changed the trajectory of my career; I fell in love with on-screen storytelling and focused on that as I continued my writing journey.

The Mandalorian It's literally the reason I'm writing this article right now. Every step I've taken in my career since then has been thanks to that TV show, which opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of telling stories with characters that truly interest me. I even had the incredible opportunity to work at Disney's Star Wars: Galactic Star Cruiser immersive resort for eight months because of the path this TV show put me on. Therefore, I will always love and celebrate The Mandalorianeven long after these last 5 years.