Star Trek: Lower Decks has unveiled its final trailer for season five, and here are 10 Easter eggs you might have missed. Final season Star Trek: Lower Decks at the Paramount+ premiere on Thursday, October 24and the first two episodes will be released on the same day. Lower Decks Season 5 promises major developments for the crew of the USS Cerritos, with huge flashbacks and odes to legacy Star Trek.
After Lt. Beckett Mariner (Tony Newsome) and the USS Cerritos saved the galaxy from disgraced former Starfleet cadet Nicholas Locarno at the end Star Trek: Lower Decks In Season 4, life aboard the Cerritos seems to have calmed down. But as Captain Carol Freeman (Donn Lewis) tells it: Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 trailer, excitement and chaos surround Cerritos and Below Decks. From Orions, Klingons, Borgs and Returns Star Trek: Voyager icon, Star Trek: Lower Decks Easter eggs abound in Season 5.
Will Beckett become an ensign again?
Lt. Beckett Mariner says he doesn't want a promotion and wants to stay "charmingly rebellious." Mariner was furious when she was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4, and it gradually became clear that Beckett never wanted higher rank because she didn't want to send her friends to their deaths.
Can Mariner renounce his lieutenant rank and revert back to ensign in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5? In a sense, it would be appropriate for Mariner to remain below deck and personify the Eternal Ensign. However, Sailor is a member of Starfleet royalty and a talented officer. whenever she wants, and it would be a waste of material for Mariner to be stuck on a hamster wheel on Cerritos when Star Trek: Lower Decks ends at Paramount+.
Tendi fights the blue Orions
The Orion War is approaching
D'Wana Tendi (Noel Wells) returned to her Orion people and resumed her role as Mistress of the Winter Constellations at the end Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4. Now the leader of his own pirate ship, Orion, it seems Tendi encounters a group of blue Orions. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5. On Star Trek Day, Paramount+ released a clip of Tendi in action. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5, which you can watch below:
Star Trek: The Animated Series The Blue Orions made their debut in the season two episode "The Orion Pirates" and it looks like they're back as villains. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5, teasing Orion's war. Somehow Tendi must survive this Orion War before she can return to her friends aboard the USS Cerritos, which will obviously happen at some point Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5.
Rutherford has a cyborg double
Lieutenant Samanthan Rutherford (Eugene Cordero) has a cyborg doppelganger. Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5. Mechanical Rutherford seems to be more machine than man. looks like DC Comics superhero Cybord. Funnily enough, Rutherford's robot also seems to have a tiny third arm.
Did Rutherford build Roboford because he misses Tendy?
Could Rutherford somehow create a cyborg version of himself, perhaps to help him with engineering duties on the USS Cerritos? Or did Rutherford build Roboford because he misses Tendi? Another possible explanation is cyborg Rutherford comes from another USS Cerritos. under the leadership of Captain Becky Freeman, an alien from a parallel universe, as seen in the teaser Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 will premiere at San Diego Comic-Con.
Is Mariner still dating Jennifer Andorian?
They didn't break up?
Ensign Jennifer Shreyan (Lauren Lapkus) returns. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5, but Is she still Lt. Beckett Mariner's girlfriend? Mariner says they are no longer together Star Trek: Lower Decks final trailer for season five, but then why is Jennifer so affectionate? Or is this some kind of Andorian plot to take revenge on Mariner for breaking up with her?
Tony Newsome came up with the name "Jennifer" for Mariner's rival, not realizing that she was Andorian.
Jennifer initially annoyed Mariner, who complained about Beckett's loud noises from his adjacent bunk in the hallway of the USS Cerritos. Later in Star Trek: Lower Decks, Jennifer and Mariner started dating. and Beckett even met her friends. However, Jennifer hasn't been seen with Mariner for a long time, so... Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 may finally address the status of their relationship.
Boimler riding a Klingon targ
Klingon Maa is back
Star Trek: Lower Decks Season five appears to be visiting the Klingon homeworld of Ko'nos, or at least some type of Klingon settlement, where Lt. Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) rides a Targ. A huge Klingon boar, Tharg poses a huge threat to a Klingon, let alone a human. Also preturn to Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 - Maa (John Curry), a Klingon lower decker turned master seaman, made friends.
Maa and Mariner were among those stranded by Nicholas Locarno on Sherbal V. After fighting each other, Mariner and Maa worked together to escape until Locarono teleported Mariner away. Maa and the other species then joined forces to escape Sherbal V. Maa became Star Trek: Lower Decks the most adorable Klingon character since his appearance in the Season 2 episode "Wey Dooge".
Doctor Miglimo receives visitors from his species
Will we learn more about Miglimo species?
Avian humanoids who appear to be the same species as Dr. Miglimo (Paul F. Tompkins) visit the USS Cerritos in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5. Doctor Miglimo is the ship's advisor. aboard the Cerritos, which is notorious for using food-related metaphors in its therapy sessions. Even among the Cerrtios crew, Miglimo stands out as an oddity, and Mariner called him Starfleet's worst advisor.
If other bird visitors are in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5's members are the same species as Dr. Miglimo, so it may finally be revealed what planet he comes from and what his race is called. Star Trek: Lower Decks The third season of "Mathematically Perfect Redemption" already introduced areoras, another species of bird. Lower Decks Season 5 is last chance to get answers about Dr. Miglimo.
Duplicate USS Cerritos
Captain Becky Freeman's starship meets Captain Carol Freeman's starship
Star Trek: Lower Decks The San Diego Comic-Con Season 5 teaser showed the USS Cerritos encountering another USS Cerritos through a dimensional rift. But this Alternate Cerritos is led by Captain Becky Freeman.Lt. Beckett Mariner's doppelgänger who achieved career goals that Mariner avoided.
Alternate commander Jack Ransom (Jerry O'Connell) has a mullet.
Star Trek: Lower Decks The Season 5 trailer shows other Cerritos and Prime Universe Cerritos stacked on top of each other, but upside down. We also see that alternate commander Jack Ransom (Jerry O'Connell) has a mullet, and another crew member wears a cape and belt. Cyborg Rutherford is also in the background on the bridge, confirming he comes from an alternate reality.
"Star Trek: The Enterprise's Decontamination Chamber Is Back"
It's been a long way from here to here
Perhaps the funniest sight in Star Trek: Lower Decks In the latest Season 5 trailer, the USS Cerritos crew applies body gel in the decontamination chamber and Commander Ransom really goes overboard. The deconservation chamber debuted in Star Trek: Enterprisethe series premiere, and it was the prequel's trademark heightened sex appeal. T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) and the other crew members of the Enterprise NX-01 applied gel to their scantily clad bodies to rid themselves of alien viruses and contaminants.
Star Trek: Lower Decks there were a lot of references to Star Trek: Enterprisefrom Lt. Malcolm Reed (Dominic Keating) to Lt. Brad Boimler, who owns an action figure of Mirror Universe Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula). Decontamination chambers on starships are no longer needed as transporters filter out alien contamination, but any callback to Star Trek: Enterprise To Lower Decks more than welcome.
The Borg is back
Resistance is never futile
Star Trek: Lower Decks The final trailer for season five also shows the USS Cerritos battling a Borg cube that appears to be absorbing energy from some kind of rift in the fabric of space. The Cerritos did not officially meet the Borg, although Ensign Brad Boimler Outwitted the Borg Queen (Alice Krige) in the holodeck test. Perhaps a fight with the Borg will happen in Star Trek: Lower Decks' final season on Paramount+.
An evil Borg who has threatened the United Federation of Planets ever since. Star Trek: The Next Generation was finally defeated by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D in Star Trek: Picard season three finale. However, Star Trek: Lower Decks The fifth season takes place in 2381, 20 years ago. Picard season three, so The Borg are still a major threat. Sailor vs. Borg Queen is a match that has been a long time coming.
Harry Kim - lieutenant with clone ensigns
That's a lot of Harry Kims
Star Trek: Lower Decks The final trailer for season five saved the biggest surprise for last: Garrett Wang returns to voice Star Trek: VoyagerThis is Harry Kim, who is now a lieutenant. Additionally, there appears to be a whole batch of Harry Kim clones who are still ensigns, which infuriates Lieutenant Harry Kim. Harry Kim, of course, was an ensign for all seven seasons of the series. Star Trek: Voyager.
Garrett Wang and Robert Duncan McNeil host their own Star Trek podcast called Delta Flyers.
Harry Kim's promotion to lieutenant is long overdue.and two collar badges indicate that he is a lieutenant. This means he is superior to Mariner, Boimler and the other second lieutenants of the USS Cerritos. It's unclear whether Lt. Harry Kim will encounter the lower decks of the USS Cerritos, but it would be a huge missed comedic opportunity for him. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 if that doesn't happen.