After the successful launch of Down trail, Final Fantasy 14 is quickly heading into the first major update to its newest expansion, patch 7.1, which promises new story and raid content for players who have finished the expansion's main scenario quests. Unlike the few updates that have been added Down trailPatch 7.1 should see major content additions, along with some revisions to existing content, like balance changes to the game's various jobs and possible adjustments to existing dungeon or raid content.
Prior to patch 7.1, Down trail has already received several small updates shortly after launch - the first, 7.01, added the first tier of the expansion's eight-person raid series from Arcadion and made several balance changes to various FFXIV Jobs, while the second, 7.05, was much smaller, adding a new treasure map dungeon, some new furnishings for player housing, and even more balance changes. After the release of these two updates, however, there are no more "in-between" patches planned until after the release of 7.1, making it the next major edition for FF14 Players to look forward to.
Everything announced for FF14 patch 7.1
Dawntrail's first major update brings new story and speech content
Currently, there are four known major additions coming in patch 7.1 for Final Fantasy 14 - New main story quests with a new dungeon, the Echoes of Vana'diel 24-player Alliance Raid, the Futures Rewritten Ultimate raidAnd, for the first time in FF14A Wild-row 24-player raid. Along with the major additions, 7.1 is also set to introduce a new Unreal process, an update to the game's PvP modes, and (presumably) an extreme version of Down trails final host process. Currently, the exact release date of 7.1 is unknown, but from the game's general release schedule, a November 2024 launch is likely.
Perhaps the most notable edition comes with 7.1, The Echoes of Vana'diel Alliance Raid, will be a collaboration with Final Fantasy 11The only other MMO in the Game Final Fantasy Series. Currently, not much is known about Echoes of Vana'diel other than its name, but it is possible that the raid series will be similar to past Alliance raids that collaborated with or referred to other games, such as Shadowbringers YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse and StormbladeIt's back to Ivalice. Notably, it is also stated that 7.1 will bring the game's first wild 24-man content, which is assumed to be related to the new Alliance Raid.
The other major raid addition comes in 7.1, The final version of Futures Rewritten, will be an extremely challenging version of ShadowbringerS 8-player raid series Including popular characters Ryne and Gaia. It is unlikely that the Ultimate will be discussed in detail before its actual release, vi FF14 Final and wild content is usually left for players to discover themselves, but it is certain that the raid will be extremely difficult, testing the skills of even the game's most skilled and well-coordinated raid groups, and that it will ignite a new ( unofficial) race for a world first clear.
FF14 7.1 will be revealed in more detail in September
An upcoming livestream will show more of what's coming in patch 7.1
Unfortunately, until more FF14 7.1 News was revealed in September, the Finer details of what the patch will include are currently unknown. A number of quality-of-life features, such as speech bubbles for player messages and an in-game tool for raid strategizing, have been shown, but not specifically announced for 7.1, and may not be added to the game until a later update . Likewise, the exact content and rewards of the new dungeon, Alliance Raid, Ultimate and Extreme are currently unknown, although some rewards may be revealed before the patch.
In terms of balance changes, it is unlikely that the patch will include any major reworks of any task and will instead make more minor adjustments to classes that are under- or over-performing. In particular, the new Pictomancer task introduced in Down trail Was perceived by many players as an outlier in terms of damage output, and thus the damage values may be slightly nerfed. Finally, while an extreme version of Down trailQueen's Eternal Process has not been explicitly announced, it is likely to be included in the patch, similar to Endsinger Extreme was added in 6.1 for Endwalker.
until now, Down trailThe combat and gameplay content has been highly praised by the player base, and the upcoming 7.1 patch looks to make further additions to this aspect of the game. Until the next live presentation in September, the exact content and release date of the patch remain unknown, but it is safe to assume that the first major update for Final Fantasy 14s Down trail The expansion will be released in relatively short order after the presentation.