Final Fantasy 7 Remake has shown that it is not afraid to make changes to the original content, and this means that we can get a different ending. Of course, we still have a good chunk of the journey to go before we reach the final battle in part 3. Because of this, we could finally see the realization of at least one interaction that I've been waiting to see for 27 years.
Warning: This article contains spoilers for FF7 Rebirth And Final Fantasy 7.
Part 3 will wrap up the story of FF7 remakeCompleting our journey across Gaia with Cloud and his group as they try to escape Shinra and stop Sephiroth. Just like the first time, it's not easy for any of the characters, and Rebirth Ends shortly after Aerith is once again killed by Sephiroth in at least one timeline. Now, in part 3, we are in a place where it is highly likely that we will see differences in the original game, especially with the frequent use of remakes of multiple timelines and showing that it is possible to jump from one timeline to another.
The Turks should team up with Cloud's Party
Reno, dirty and more can be together
FF7 remake Changes core story beats and smaller details too, so it is not a huge stretch for me to hope and believe that we are heading to a section I've been waiting for: the Turks together with Cloud's party for at least a few battles. When we reach the third part of the remake, The Turks and Cloud's group have essentially the same goal. This was not the case for the duration of the story, but now it is clear that dealing with Sephiroth is the highest priority, and this leads to an attempt between the parties.
It's unlikely that the Turks would team up with Cloud for all of Part 3, or even a significant portion of it. However, it would make sense for The Turks to help out for a few battles, or through a whole chapter. Since Sephiroth's plan would result in the destruction of the world if he succeeds, the groups confronting him need all the help they can get, especially when Sephiroth's power and fighting skills are considered. Plus, a temporary team-up between Cloud and the Turks feels like the direction that even the original game was going, but it never happens.
Even one or two Turks who joined the party to help them a little, would make sense, especially since we saw throughout the first two parts that not every Turk was happy with the orders they received.
The Turks switching sides would be a suit FF7 remake Plot twist in part 3, especially since I'm pretty tired of constantly being at odds with them when the whole world is at risk of being destroyed to create a single timeline, which probably wouldn't be a great timeline to live in if Sephiroth is like that Focused on bringing it to fruition. Even one or two Turks joining the party to help them for a bit would make sense, especially since we have seen over the first two parts that Not every Turk is afraid of the orders they have received. Helping Cloud may be a relief for some Turks.
The role of the Turks in FF7 remake
As their orders change from the original game
In the world of Final Fantasy 7The Turks work for Shinra and Often carry out directives that could be seen as quite evil. They were responsible for making the plates fall on Sector 7, and they spent the early part of the game hunting Lavanche members because their tendency to blow up reactors is pretty bad for the company. The other primary role we see for them is protecting Aerith and trying to convince her to return to Shinra with them, as Shinra believes she can lead them to the promised land as the last living Setra. Now, they are trying to stop Sephiroth.
I have always felt that it is strange that when the Turks' orders change to stop Sephiroth, they are no longer involved with Cloud's party. It is possible that there were development or time reasons that this did not happen in the original, and I cannot pretend to have knowledge about the decisions made by the team. However, it is possible to correct this situation with part 3 of the remake and finally Have a better relationship between the Turks and CloudAt least while they have a common enemy. After all, they will all die if Sephiroth succeeds, so working together is in everyone's best interest.
Zack Fair can bring the Turks and Cloud together
He was an ally to both groups before
One of these Biggest change in the remake is Zack Fair being alive and hopping through timelines. Since he is connected with both the Turks and some members of Cloud's group, he can act as a link to facilitate a temporary alliance between them to work towards common goals. It's not yet clear what kind of role Zack will have, and I'm looking forward to seeing how he impacts the story no matter what, but he would make the best ambassador for either group, having worked both for Shinra and against them. I'd argue that he understands the stakes of this battle more than most.
With Sephiroth as the ultimate boss, Zack also has a personal stake in the fight. Before learning about his origins, Sephiroth was the ideal soldier, and Zack looked up to him, seeing him as a hero. Since Cloud believes he is Zack, he shows similar feelings through the games. However, Zack is a more vocal character than Cloud, who always seems to be in a fugue state. There are several moments where Zack encounters Sephiroth in RebirthBut having Zack help with the build up to the final boss and join the fight is a change that I think would be poetic to an extent.
It has been 27 years, and we are finally in a position where the moment I've been waiting for in Final Fantasy 7 Can come to fruition in the last part of the remake. We have new characters available to take part in this section, and it would make sense for us to see some new alliances made, even for a short section. The Turks were ordered to deal with Sephiroth, and since that's the same goal Cloud and his group have, I'd like to see them finally work together in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3.
Source: Final Fantasy/YouTube