Fastthe last entry in Fast and Furious series, has many connections with Five quick. Most notably, the beginning of Fast reformulates the end of Five quick include the villain Dante Reyes, son of Hernan Reyes, who was the main antagonist in the fifth Fast and Furious film. This was necessary since Dante returned in the last film to get revenge on Dom and his crew. However, Fast I also tried to copy the most memorable action scene from Five quick.
Fast includes a scene in which Dante drops a huge bomb on the city of Romewhich must be contained by Dom and the rest of the Fast and Furious characters. This scene was reminiscent Five quick safe robbery scene. However, the safe robbery scene is much more effective and memorable.
Fast X's Bomb Ball scene was a smaller version of Fast Five's Vault Heist
The Bomb Ball and Vault Heist sequences are two of the series' biggest action scenes
As soon as the ball bomb starts rolling through the busy streets of Rome in FastDom accompanies him, trying to figure out a way to stop him from shooting, or at least guide him to an unpopulated location. The ball bomb scene is compared to Five quick safe heist because both include a huge object being dropped on a city. In Five quick, Dom and Brian attach wires to a giant safe containing US$100 million and then drive it through the streets of Rio de Janeiro.
While Five quick The safe robbery scene is definitely a little unrealistic, it's nothing compared to a bomb rolling through the streets of Rome. Additionally, Five quick used a lot more practical effects to carry out the vault robberywhile Fast relied more heavily on CGI. As a result, the ball bomb scene looks very cartoonish and strange. When Dom crashes his car into the bomb during the scene, it literally looks like he's playing a video game Rocket League in real life, which is obviously not realistic at all.
How Quickly Five's Vault Sequel Was Made Explains Why It Was So Good
The Fast Five team used practical effects to film the Vault heist scene
Although Five quick The vault robbery sequence was filmed more than a decade earlier Fastthe action scene holds up much better in comparison. When filming the safe robbery scene, Five quick stunt coordinator Jack Gill built a safe that actually had a pickup truck inside it. So the stunt double could actually control the safe's movements and make it look convincingly that Dom and Brian were pulling it with their Dodge Chargers.
While the Fast and Furious the action scenes have only gotten more extreme over the years, which justifies the greater reliance on CGI in more recent films like Fastthere is always something much more special about using practical effects in an action scene.
Therefore, much of the vault robbery sequence was filmed on camera. While the Fast and Furious the action scenes have only gotten more extreme over the years, which justifies the greater reliance on CGI in more recent films like Fast, There's always something much more special about using practical effects in an action scene.. This is why many believe that the first films of the Fast and Furious the series are much stronger entries, as they featured many more practical effects that have aged very well.