Mr. Fantastic And these Invisible woman of these Fantastic practice They are one of Marvel's most iconic couples, and they seem to have a solid relationship that has stood the test of time. NamurRuler of Atlantis, offered the only real threat to their future, but Susan chose to stay with Reed. Her reasoning explains why her marriage to Reed remains unbreakable, despite all they've endured, and the role Namor played in getting them there.
Fantastic Four: 40th Wedding Anniversary Special #1 by Karl Kesel and Drew Johnson provides a tour of Reed and Sue's life together. Different versions of the couple are plucked from special moments in their lives and invited to attend a party together with their past, present and future selves.
A younger version of Sue inspires a group discussion about Namor and the reason they chose to stay with Reed. Both men were wonderful people, and Namor was the only one who ever made her doubt staying with Mister Fantastic, but The invisible woman was happier with the idea of herself as Reid's wife rather than the queen of Atlantis.
The Invisible Woman's connection to Namor solidified her relationship with Mr. Fantastic
Fantastic Four: 40th Wedding Anniversary Special #1 by Karl Kessel, Drew Johnson, Andrew Hennessy, Drew Geraci, Morry Hollowell and Dave Lanphear
Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic are the core of the Fantastic Four, and a future without the two together would have looked much different for the team. Despite all the universe-threatening fights, monumental discoveries and adventures through time and space, only the sub-mariner ever put their fate in jeopardy. Sue and Namor had a quick attraction to each otherAnd she admits that she wanted to be the only one to help him heal after a lifetime of feeling like he didn't belong in whatever world he was technically a part of, and Namur had always wanted to make their connection permanent.
Furthermore, the Sub-Mariner and Reed Richards have little in common, with Namor being hot-headed and passionate and Mister Fantastic operating from a logical mind with hidden depths. Both loved Sue Storm, and she loved them back, but her decision to grow up and grow old with Reed was (rightly) more about her than either of the men after her heart. She analyzed herself and decided how she viewed her own future. Namor tried her love for Reed, but Sue did not prove to be his queen, And that became a stepping stone for a lifelong commitment to Mister Fantastic instead.
The Invisible Woman's marriage to Mr. Fantastic is a reflection of herself
Marvel's original romance
Sue's alliance with Namor and Reed gave her a new way of looking at herself. As important as they both were, No one decides Susan Storm's fate but youAnd a life of endless adventures and the pursuit of knowledge with Reed as her husband is what she saw for herself. Ben Grimm's gentle nod, that only she could answer what she wanted to be, was enough for her to recognize what she wanted. It's hard to say what impact she might have had on each person in a long-term sense, regardless of her motivation to help them, and her choice ultimately needed to be about her.
Sue's decision to stay with and marry Reid Richards is, of course, excellent news for the F4, but it also meant starting their marriage on a solid footing. Sue took the time to examine the one relationship in her life that made her question her future with Reed, and chose, mindfully and purposefully, to let it go in favor of moving forward with their marriage. She knew how she saw herself and then what she wanted to see ahead of her. The Invisible woman relationship with Namur Acted as a catalyst for her lifelong partnership with Mr. FantasticMuch to those Fantastic practice Profit.
Fantastic Four: 40th Wedding Anniversary Special #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.