Fans of the classic Silent Hill will want to check out this new game trending on Steam

Fans of the classic Silent Hill will want to check out this new game trending on Steam

While fans of the Quiet Hill series are still waiting for the upcoming remake of Silent Hill 2A newly released Steam indie game may be able to capture the appeal of the series’ classic games. Despite being one of the premiere horror franchises in the gaming industry, Quiet Hill As a whole has largely stagnated in the last decade – from the time of Quiet Hill: Downpour And the infamous delisted PT In 2014, the series received basically no new games until now Silent Hill: A brief message Launched in 2024.

While Quiet Hill Mostly dormant, it has also heavily influenced the entire horror genre, with many games in both the AAA and indie spaces taking inspiration from the series – in some cases being almost as highly regarded as the originals. Except for the various “PT clones” that seek to emulate the delisted teaser for the canceled one Quiet HillsGames like signaliswhich are heavily influenced by classical Quiet Hill entries, have become some of the most well-known and highly praised horror games to come out in recent years.

Hollowbody is the newest successor to Silent Hill

Indie title Hollowbody takes heavy inspiration from Silent Hill

Mika from Hollowbody walking through a dark church with a flashlight.

But from September 12, A new game called Holobody has become the newest indie game to fill the void left by Quiet HillWith a 94% positive review rating on Steam at the time of writing. Released by solo developer Headware Games, whose previous release, Chasing staticwas also positively received, Holobody is a self-described “tech-noir survival horror short story“, stands out from others in its genre with light sci-fi elements and a dystopian setting.


HolobodyThe main protagonist is Mika, a black market smuggler who starts the game chasing her missing partner Sasha to a dangerous exclusion zone with the intention of bringing her back – only for Mika to end up stranded there after a crash landing. mechanical, The game takes on classics Quiet Hill Games and other horror games from PS2Use fixed camera angles, resource management, limited save points and a basic combat system.

Hollowbody is the most hyped new horror game on Steam

Mika aiming a gun at a monster in hollowbody, with a square targeting reticle on its chest.

Sitting near the top of Steam’s “New and Trending” tab, Holobody has gotten off to a particularly good start for a relatively niche indie titleWith some reviews praising the game’s story, atmosphere and faithfulness to its PS2-era horror influences. If it is a common complaint to have HolobodyIt would be that the game’s solo development status, while impressive, leaves it notably limited in scope – but for its standard price point of $16.99 USD, Holobody Still seems like a worthwhile investment for survival horror enthusiasts.


Although the state of Quiet Hill In 2024 is debatable, with some fans especially doubtful of the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake, the series’ influence on the horror genre as a whole continues to hold strong, inspiring standout indie titles like signalis And the newly released Holobody. While it remains to be seen if Quiet Hill Will ever regain its former glory, there are still many games that can carry its torch.

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