Fallout: London - All Vinyl Locations

Fallout: London - All Vinyl Locations

Music is an important element of Fallout 4And the creators of the gigantic Fallout: London Mods understand this fact well. As you travel through the ruins of London, you can pick up vinyl records with a variety of songs. While the songs may not be the era-specific hits of the base game, there's still plenty of music to collect.

There are 42 different vinyls Hidden throughout London. The songs include covers of Infamous Fallout Songs like "I don't want to set the world on fire", traditional ballads, and Fallout Fan songs by artists like Pepper Coyote. Each song adds a wonderful flavor Fallout: London and acts as a collectible version of the franchise's beloved radio stations.


Every vinyl in Fallout: London

Song Name & Location

London Bridge from Fallout London covered in greenery

Keep your ear out as you travel through London, WI The many vinyls of the mod are found everywhere of Fallout: London Faction locations like the Syndicate Factory to famous landmarks such as London Bridge, Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street. Whether you want era classics or national anthems, or you're looking for a new song to always relate to Fallout 4There is a song for you.



Animal soul


Atom baby

Ali Baba

Baby, won't you please come home?

Water & power siphon

Hit me daddy eight to the bar

10 Downing Street

Over the sea

New Cross Gate Retail Park

Calico Jack

HMS Dredge

Danny Boy

Ferrymans Dockhouse

Scarborough Fair

Club Oberon/Courthouse Hotel

When I get low, I get high

The Gherkin

Louis Armstrong's phone

Hermit Shack

Heart-shaped mushroom cloud

Monument underground station

It's a long way to Tipperary

Mary Ellis

Time to duel

Angel Lab lower levels

Train line romance

National Portrait Gallery

There will always be an England

Tower of London

I vow to you my land

Lanthorn Tower

I just can't wait

Children's Hospital

We will meet again


The British Grenadiers

Buckingham Palace

Rule Britain

Courtside Bazaar

I don't want to set the world on fire

Camden TV Station



Ol' nuclear winter

Research and IT Department

Radiation getaway

Tater factory

London Bridge fell down

London Bridge

I wandered the deserts

Scavenger House

London A

London A

Since you left our love behind

Container Park

Geiger counter

Range Home Radar Station

Land of hope and glory

Poutine Cellar

It is a sin to tell a lie


Duck and cover

Syndicate Factory

You will need a duke


Nuclear love


The Blighty Bop

Four page pub

Fallout in London Town

Upton-Burke headquarters

The girl from Valley Road

Broadcasting House

My northern angel


Nuclear submarine


Power station gamma ray



Boston House

Sorry I just don't care

Air raid shelter

Train to Merseyside


You may find some of these vinyls commonly as you explore the world Fallout: LondonWhile others will require you to go hunting specifically for them. Either way, there are plenty of musical collectibles to keep you busy for hours as you search for new settlements and things to do around the virtual streets of London.


November 10, 2015


B For adults: blood and gore, intense violence, strong language, use of drugs