Fallout fan creates real life, fully functional Peep-Boy, complete with iconic radio stations

Fallout fan creates real life, fully functional Peep-Boy, complete with iconic radio stations

A fan's dad brought the iconic Fallout Pip-Boy to reality, and it actually works. The Pip-Boy has been in Interplay, Black Isle and Bethesda's post-apocalyptic RPGs and shooters since the very first Fallout game, and has remained a series staple ever since. The fictional wearable computer is lovingly re-created in reality, down to the radio stations and Vault Boy animation.

This awesome creation was shared on Reddit by scoobydoobiggestfanWhose father made the carrier. The recreation uses a 3D printed shell, which was also created by the redditor's father Use these Fallout 76 version for reference. The image also refers to the Pip-Boy phone app.

The Pip-Boy is actually wearable and can be booted up. The entire creation, from the coding to the printing and designing, was created by Scoobydoobiggestfan's dad, who makes game things like this as a hobby.

The Fallout Pip-Boy Entertainment is true to the games

It even plays the game music

Red storm clouds over Fallout 76's Skyline Valley

The real-world build of the Fallout Pip-Boy Uses a small computer that runs on a Raspberry Pi. When it is booted up, the Pip-Boy shows the loading and initializing sequence followed by a display of all the different functionalities. A large button on the side of the computer toggles between tabs, showing the temperature, the player status and a GPS location overview. Unfortunately, these are not actually functional. Rather, they are just pre-recorded images and videos, although this does not make the build any less impressive.


The Pip-Boy build even includes radio stations from the gamesuch as Diamond City Radio from Fallout 4 And the classical radio that appeared in Fallout 4 And Fallout 76. The stations actually play music, and the PIp-Boy contains music from each Fallout Play as .mp3 files. The real-world Pip-Boy creation is based specifically on the version in Fallout 76. Fallout 76 is the earliest game in the Fallout Timeline, took place only 25 years after the Great War, so the computer model seen in this game is one of the first versions. The game uses an even earlier, pre-war Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI.

The iconic wearable series has seen several changes over each title, but the core design has remained the same. The Redditor shares that their dad was inspired to make these Fallout Play Pip-Boy in real life after watching Amazon Prime's Fallout TV series. Fans can message Scoobydoobiggestfan on Reddit for a link to their dad's Etsy and eBay stores, where he creates models from various shows like Battlestar Galactica.

Source: scoobydoobiggestfan / Reddit