Netflix The Return of the King: The Fall and Rise of Elvis Presley takes a deeper look at tumultuous periods in the singer's life, including his notable encounter with the Beatles during a complicated point in his career. After graduating from high school in 1953, Elvis began his musical career with his first studio album released in 1956. That same year, Elvis made his film debut, appearing in Love me tenderly. His star continued to rise, but his career was interrupted in 1958 when he was drafted into the Army.
Elvis Presley spent two years in the Army, a period clouded by insecurity and worry that his fans had forgotten him. During this same period, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison formed the Beatles. Like Elvis, they attracted a younger audience, at least initially. As the years went by and their popularity spread beyond the UK, there is no doubt that they became one of Elvis' biggest rivals at a time when every career decision mattered. What seemed like the potential for a powerful friendship in the industry took a surprising turn.
Elvis met the Beatles at his home in 1965
There are no photos documenting the group's only meeting
As mentioned in the Netflix documentary, Elvis Presley crossed paths with the Beatles in the midst of his acting career. The meeting took place in August 1965, when the Beatles were invited to Elvis' house in Bel-Air. The world was in the throes of Beatlemania at the time, with the band facing the travels of their third US tour. The meeting with Elvis happened on one of their nights off, and the 1965 meeting point was the first and only time the Beatles came into contact with the King of Rock and Roll.
At the time, Elvis' music career was no longer what it used to be, and he was stuck with an acting contract that almost derailed everything he had built. The Beatles, on the other hand, were extremely popular and despite being from the UK, their fandom in the US was growing by the day. There was some awkwardness when the Beatles first met Elvis, especially as they were budding rivals.
According to Beatles press officer Tony Barrow (via BBC), the small talk turned into "awkward silence”, but that changed when the Beatles joined Elvis in what they all did best: playing music. Barrow shared that “music was his natural meeting point", so the awkward meeting turned into a fun jam session. Unfortunately, there are no photographs or audio recordings of the Beatles playing with Elvisbut Barrow stated: "It was an incredible listening session."
Why Elvis called the Beatles “anti-American”
Elvis later turned against the Beatles
Three years after meeting the Beatles, the singer seemingly got his music career back on track with Elvis' 1968 comeback special, the main event in focus of the Netflix documentary. The special allowed Elvis to return to his roots, showing a vulnerable side of himself that many had never seen before. After returning to studio albums and live performances Elvis sought a meeting with President Richard Nixon in 1970an interaction that led Elvis to label the Beatles as "anti-American."
Considering that the meeting between Elvis Presley and the Beatles seemed to have gone well in 1965, it was surprising that the singer publicly called out the band a few years later. Netflix's Elvis documentary briefly dives into how the singer avoided using his songs for political commentary and world events. However, he also avoided belittling other musicians who have taken this path with their music. Upon meeting Nixon in 1970, Elvis had this to say about the Beatles (via National Archives):
"...the Beatles came to this country, made money and then returned to England, where they promoted an anti-American theme."
It wasn't really clear what led Elvis Presley to turn against the Beatles. However, the feelings apparently came from Elvis's crusade against "hippie culture." The meeting itself was for Nixon and Elvis to discuss the country's ongoing drug problem and rising protest culture. Instead of voicing his concerns and taking a stance, Elvis felt the need to highlight the Beatles due to their link with "hippie culture."
What the Beatles said about Elvis and his career
Some band members shared their thoughts on Elvis' comments
Elvis Presley's meeting with President Nixon in 1970 was not the only time the singer criticized the Beatles, doing so a year later during a visit to the FBI offices. Selling as The Beatles were so vocal about Elvis being one of their biggest influencesIt probably wasn't easy for them to hear about the criticism and blame he leveled at them.
Paul McCartney reportedly "I felt a little betrayed" after listening to Nixon's transcripts, according to Beatles Anthology published in 2000. Ringo Starr shared similar sentiments, admitting the sadness he felt upon learning that Elvis labeled the band as "bad for american youth." Even so, several band members ensured that their love for the musician had not completely disappeared. Ironically, Elvis PresleyDrug abuse itself led to his premature death in 1977, bringing a tragic end to one of life's most celebrated figures.
Sources: BBC, National ArchivesBeatles Anthology