Star wars provided the final structure of the clone army and the many different types of clones, courtesy of Captain Rex himself. Presented in Star wars. Episode II - Attack of the ClonesThe Grand Army of the Republic may be made up of clones - but they are not all created equally. The Kaminoans genetically engineered certain clones with specific sets of skills and abilities (most notably Clone Squad 99) and trained different clones into specific ranks.
Mark Sunerak Secrets of the Clone Troopers is a comprehensive guide to the universe's clone armies, courtesy of Captain Rex, the narrator. As he notes: "Having clones with unique areas of training has helped optimize our effectiveness in combat, regardless of terrain or operation.“Here are the subgroups of clones that he identifies.
Clone officers
Captain Rex was technically an ARC trooper, but he definitely counts as a clone officer as well. As he notes: "There were several ranks of clone officers in the Grand Army - sergeant, lieutenant, captain and commander. Each of them had varying degrees of authority in their division, but all clone officers reported to the Jedi General."It is reasonable to assume that autonomy increased as the clone commander rose through the ranks.
The example of Captain Rex is very informative as it shows the bond of trust that can develop between a clone officer and his Jedi. Rex became close friends with Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano, and it is likely that he even knew about Anakin's secret marriage to Padmé Amidala; he definitely helped Anakin keep his meetings with Padmé secret. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7. Rex often led missions without direct supervision.
Advanced Recon Commandos
Advanced Recon Commandos (ARC soldiers) were soldiers who served with distinction on the battlefield. Potential ARC fighters were identified early in their training on Kamino and were carefully monitored. ARC soldiers received more intensive training and were given better armor and equipment.
Captain Rex's description of the ARC soldiers conveys a remarkable sense of pride in their status. "The ARC were some of the best fighters to ever wield a blaster rifle," he insists. “It was the respect that came with the title that really made all the extra training worth it.” It is not surprising to learn that ARC soldiers were among the most resistant to Order 66 and had a higher degree of independence.
Clone Commandos
Clone Commandos were even more elite, some were hand-picked, and some - such as the members of Clone Squad 99 - were deliberately created to have unique skills and abilities that would help them perform in battle. Clone Commandos"underwent intensive training and reinforced armor, which placed them at a level above the average soldier." They were trained to operate in small units with a high degree of independence.
"Whenever these high-ranking soldiers were called into battle, you knew things were about to get serious.- Rex notes. He's right: Clone commando units usually took on the most dangerous missions, including infiltration missions. The example of the Foxtrot group shows that they had a high loss rate.
Coruscant Guard
Most clone troopers served on the front lines, but a few were chosen to serve in the galactic capital of Coruscant. The Coruscant Guard, also known as shock troopers, were responsible for protecting senators and diplomats. The shock troopers were no doubt closely monitored by Palpatine himself.and he certainly used their reports as a source of information about potential political enemies.
Unfortunately, the Coruscant Guard are notable for their support of Order 66. As seen in The Mandalorian in season three, the Coruscant Guard served as support for the 501st during the attack on the Jedi Temple; Shock Troopers looked out for the fleeing Jedi and tracked them down. They were unable to apprehend Kelleran Beck and Grogu.
Clone shooters
All clone troopers were naturally trained in the use of standard weapons, but clone gunners received additional training to operate modern weapons, both on the ground and in combat vehicles. Standard gunners often operated turrets on starships and vehicles such as All Terrain Tactical Enforcers. Heavy gunners used blaster cannons, and snipers were trained as snipers.
It is reasonable to assume that there is overlap between shooter clones and the other types mentioned here.. For example, Crosshair, although considered a clone commando, was undoubtedly a clone marksman. In this case, his genes were manipulated to make him one of the best marksmen among the clones.
Clone Scout Troopers
The Scout Troopers were trained for important reconnaissance missions, and Rex singles them out as some of the smartest clones. “They also excel at survival and combat even in the harshest terrain,” he adds. Their armor was lighter than standard clones, giving them an advantage in missions requiring speed and stealth. The best of them ended up in the Advanced Recon Force.
Reconnaissance soldiers were often encountered in all-terrain reconnaissance vehicles.and can be seen in many key missions of the Clone Wars. Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi worked with the scouts from time to time, and Windu seemed to enjoy the experience, perhaps indicating the type of missions he worked on with them. It would be interesting to see if their intelligence and independence means they are more likely to resist Order 66.
Other types of specialized clones
There were other clones who had undergone special training. This included:
- Clone pilots - Trained to pilot vehicles in both space and air, these clones were bred to have a high degree of spatial awareness and acquired special skills in complex maneuvers.
- Artillery paratroopers - clones trained to operate mortars.
- Cold Stormtrooper - clones trained to live in certain cold conditions.
- Flamethrowers - clones trained to use flamethrowers.
The Empire followed suit when they created the Stormtrooper Corps as part of Project Warmantle. While most stormtroopers wore standard armor, others received special training and were equipped with special weapons. The Flamethrowers in particular continued to operate, and it is interesting to note that both armies saw a need for certain groups that used flamethrowers.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch introduced the Shadows, a group of clones who were captured and brainwashed at Mount Tantiss. Run by Dr. Hemlock, the facility was founded under Palpatine and conducted many covert operations on his behalf - even initially attempting to uncover the secret of implanting midi-chlorians into clones, a key to the Emperor's resurrection plans. Shadows was a useful side project, and their production appears to have ceased when Mount Tantiss was closed..
It is reasonable to assume that Hemlock carefully selected candidates for Project Shadow, looking for skills that he considered particularly useful. They were trained to act individually, with a high degree of independence and autonomy, but the brainwashing was so strong that they remained unwaveringly loyal to the Empire. Hemlock tried to turn Crosshair into one of Star wars' Shadows, but the mutant clone was able to resist the programming.