Explaining This Alien Species From Mass Effect 2's Lair Of The Shadow Broker

Explaining This Alien Species From Mass Effect 2's Lair Of The Shadow Broker

Fans of Mass Effect the series will be familiar with many of the major alien species that populate its universe, such as the Asari, Turians, and Krogan. But there is one sentient species that tends to stay out of the picture for most of the story, appearing only briefly in Mass Effects 2 and 3: the Yahg, huge red aliens with incredible strength and a propensity for violence.

The Yahg are entirely absent from the games' main plot, introduced in a DLC storyline for Mass Effect 2but the creatures made a huge impact on the fandom. Little is known about the Yahg homeworld or their customs, but the little information players gain about them indicates that they are one of the most dangerous groups in the galaxy.

Finding the Yahg in Lair Of The Shadow Broker

Entering the series as an underground crime lord

The Yahg were introduced into the Shadow Broker's Lair DLC, where one particular Yahg appears at the end as the titular information trader. Although his exact name will never be known, This Yahg has apparently been influencing the galaxy behind the scenes for decadestrading secrets with one government or another and managing a huge network of spies and informants. The Shadow Broker is mentioned numerous times in the first and second games before he is known, showing how influential he is.

However, this Yahg was not the original Shadow Broker, as Liara T'Soni surmises at the end of the DLC. Instead of, the previous Shadow Broker abducted the alien from his home world, probably wanting to turn him into an agent. According to the Broker's records aboard his ship, the Yahg are rarely seen, but are famous for their incredible strength and incredible intellect, capable of learning new skills and information at a rapid pace. It seems that this newly captured agent was more powerful than his captor thought and usurped him to take power for himself.

Yahg's Quarantined Homeworld Illustrates His Brutality

A past and present of bloodshed

This is the story of a Yahg, but the information provided about his planet and species shows that he is no exception. The Yahg apparently were contacted by Mass EffectThe Citadel races some time ago, only to massacre the entire delegation sent to find them and be immediately quarantined on their home planet of Parnack.

The Yahg are famous for their violence and depravity, and generally feared by anyone who knows of their existence. The only other time they are seen in the main series is on the Salarian homeworld of Sur'Kesh, where someone is being held captive for study, before escaping and presumably escapes to start another intergalactic criminal operation.

Yahg may have executed the next galactic cycle if given the chance

A whole planet full of shadow brokers

Players familiar with Mass Effect'History will know that the galaxy goes through 50,000 year cycles where the Reapers pass through and destroy all space life and harvest it before going into hibernation in deep space. At the time in the story when the Reapers arrive, the Yahg have not yet ascended to the stars, and it likely would have been ignored during the Reaper's galactic purge. This means that they would have existed during the next cycle and, given their capacity for conquest and violence, would have had the potential to create an empire equal to that of Mass EffectProtheans.

Of course, thanks to Commander Shepard's efforts during the course of the Mass Effect trilogy, this next cycle never happened. But it's scary to consider a galaxy where the Yahg are top predators, not just on their own planet, but on all of them. It's possible that these creatures could have even given the Reapers a run for their money if given the chance.

Source: Mass Effect/YouTube