One user spotted a charming slip in Stardew Valley Which caused their chicken to change color as they rested for the night. Stardew Valley is a cozy farming sim where, in addition to farming and forming relationships with other villagers, players can keep animals. Among the different livestock choices are chickens, and although they are already cute, they are made even more charming by this harmless glitch.
Redditor Hobbythebaby shared a short video of the slip in a post titled “Meet my color changing chicken."The video shows a Sleeping white chicken briefly changing colors mid-snooze. For a moment while a few "zzz" appear over his head, the chicken changes from white to brown. In fact, there are two chickens in the video, Stacked right on top of another.
Due to their choice of sleeping placement, when the brown chicken displays its sleeping animation, its image displays on top of the white one, so it seems like a single chicken magically changes colors. Since it only changes colors when the "ZZZ" speech bubbles out, it seems as though the little chicken's color changes every time it snorts, making the slide even cuter.
Why this Stardew Valley Glitch is actually useful
Supercharge your animals
Fans are delighted by the magical chicken. Responses range from pointing How precious the chickens are for snuggling in the same place To request that Hobbythebaby loves to keep deep frying their chicken.
As cute as it looks, this little trick can come in handy for those looking to build relationships with their feathered friends. Redditor 12 dozen Turns out that this sometimes happens with multiple animals stacked on top of one another in their coop. This makes it possible to welcome all the animals in one go And can be a time saver for Stardew Valley Farmers with several animals to pet when they start their day.
Stardew Valley's color-changing chicken makes us want more chicken colors
Rainbow Chickens, Assemble!
Regardless of how players feel about chickens in real life, the accidental color-changing chicken in Stardew Valley would melt any heart. This is a rare case of a glitch that players wouldn't necessarily want to be patched out of the game.
Seeing the color-changing chicken makes me wish I could get a variety of different colored chickens Stardew Valley. While some mods accomplish this, I can even imagine creating my own chicken designs. Pink and blue polka-dot chickens, anyone?
Source: hobbithebabie / reddit, Foreveridiosyncratic / Reddit, whimsigod / reddit, a_rob/reddit, 12 dozen/reddit
- platforms
PC, Xbox One, Android, iOS, PS4, Switch
- Released
26 February 2016
- developer(s)
Concerned app
- Publisher(s)
Concerned app