Everything you need to know about Tolkien's most mysterious character

Everything you need to know about Tolkien's most mysterious character

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The rings of power Season 2, Episode 4!

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 introduced Tom Bombadil, a mysterious figure with deep roots in Middle-earth history. The strange being, who is not a human, elf, dwarf, wizard, or any other living thing in Tolkien's universe, was a feature in the Lord of the Rings Books but was left of Peter Jackson's movie trilogy. This makes his debut appearance in The rings of power Season 2, episode 4 all the more exciting. However, Tom Bombadil is still shrouded in mystery in the Prime Video series, and while the same is true in Tolkien's books, there is still a little more to know.

in The rings of power Season 2, Episode 4 The stranger came to Tom Bombadil in a quaint little home in Rhûn. The mysterious being sang some silly songs and offered the stranger some much-needed care while also Giving some cryptic advice about Istar's destiny to face both the Dark Wizard and Sauron. When the stranger asked precisely what Bombadil was, Old Tom said his own name was the only answer to give. This is exactly what was said about Tom Bombadil in Lord of the Ringswhere he played a role in Frodo Baggins's journey.

Tom Bombadil's story in Lord of the Rings lore explained

Old Tom is the oldest of the old

Tom Bombadil from JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings franchise
Custom image by Alfredo Alvarado

Frodo and his fellow hobbits met Tom Bombadil shortly after entering the Shire lord of the Rings When they traveled through the old forest. This was where Old Tom lived and held dominion over the plants, animals and beings that lived there. After being rescued by Bombadil, the hobbits learned that this being was more ancient than even the Old Forest and that he came to Middle-earth long before the Dark Lord (Morgoth, in this case) arrived. Still, it was never revealed exactly where Tom had arrived.

When Bombadil first came to Middle-earth, he wandered the land and became known to the elves as Iarwain Ben-adar, meaning "Eldest and fatherless." The other beings of Middle-earth called him by different names, but it was not until Bombadil settled in Witwindle in the Old Forest that he was given his common name by the Backlanders. While settling in the ancient forest, many spirits and creatures tried to capture Bombadil, but he possesses the power to subdue them with just his voice. Funny, that's how he met his wife Goldberry, a river spirit, who once threw him into the water with his beard.

What powers and abilities does Tom Bombadil have in The Lord of the Rings

Tom Bombadil has a unique (& powerful) kind of power

Elijah Wood as Frodo in The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring

Although Tom Bombadil appears to be a strange, pleasant creature worthy of quirky folklore, He is, in truth, among the most powerful beings in The Lord of the Rings. He is the only character with no fear of the One Ring and even puts it on his finger to no ill effect. He was not tempted by it and did not become invisible, which is remarkable because even Gandalf refused to touch Saron's weapon for fear of corruption.

Bombadil's power was mentioned in the Council of Elrond in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring It has since been suggested that he could hide away the One Ring or even deal with it himself.

Old Tom's power was not loud or flashy. Instead, he seemed to have an innate control over the things around him. Bombadil's singing voice was the central source of his magicAnd his quirky lyrics allowed him to stop Old Man Willow, a tree spirit, from harming the hobbits. He even had the ability to scare away the Borrow jokes with just his voice. Bombadil's power was mentioned in the Council of Elrond in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring It has since been suggested that he could hide away the One Ring or even deal with it himself. However, Gandalf made it clear that Old Tom would not get involved in such matters.

Tom Bombadil's true nature is still a mystery

Tolkien never gave many answers about Tom Bombadil

Fangorn Forest in Lord of the Rings

Although Tom Bombadil is a favorite Lord of the Rings character, very little is known about him. Tolkien often went into great detail describing the ancient lore of his characters, but Bombadil was one he left mysterious. When he was asked who, what and why Tom Bombadil is, the author had no more answer than the character himself - he is just Tom Bombadil and nothing more. Naturally, this led to decades of theories about its true nature.

The mystery surrounding Tom Bombadil led Peter Jackson to leave the character out of his character Lord of the Rings Movies absolutely. Not only is the origin and nature of the character a mystery, but His connection and importance to the overall story have always been a bit confusing. Bombadil is even a touch controversial, with some Lord of the Rings Fans consider him an irreplaceable feature of Tolkien's books, while others struggle to see the point in his character. Regardless, Rings of power Tom Bombadil fit into the mix, and it was an equally controversial choice.

Why Tom Bombadil is in Rhûn during The Rings of Power Season 2

Rhûn was a surprising place for Tom Bombadil to appear

Tom Bombadil is never mentioned in The Silmarillion And did not play any specific role in the second age of Middle-earth, which makes its appearance in Rings of power A surprise. Of course, given the character's status as the oldest of the ancients, he would certainly have been around during the history of Middle-earth. Still, Prime Video surprised audiences with this The strangers find Tom Bombadil in Rhûn rather than in the Old Forest where it has traditionally lived.

As a kind of spirit of nature, it makes some sense that Bombadil would want to see the impact of the Dark Wizard and Sauron on Earth.

Rings of power Season 2, episode 4 mentions Withywindle, and Goldberry is heard singing along with Tom Bombadil from the other room, so it is evident that the character has already established his home in the Old Forest at this point in the story. But, for some reason, he traveled to Rhûn. Although no definitive answers are given, the ancient being reveals that the eastern region of Middle-earth was green and bountiful but that evil has turned it dry and desolate. As a kind of spirit of nature, it makes some sense that Bombadil would want to see the impact of the Dark Wizard and Sauron on Earth.

How Tom Bombadil connects to The Stranger's mission

Old Tom has a connection to the Istari of Middle-earth

Tom Bombadil played by Rory Kinnear in The Rings of Power Season 2 and The Stranger played by Daniel Wyman.
Custom image by Alfredo Alvarado.

After the stranger found Tom Bombadil, he noticed the constellations etched on the ceiling and realized that His dreams and visions led here to the home of the old woman. As an Istar, or wizard, it is up to the Stranger to lead the beings of Middle-earth against Sauron, and he is meant to use magic to do so. However, the beginning of Rings of power Season 2 sees him struggle to control his magic. Tom Bombadil's role is to teach the alien how to harness his powersPassively guiding the Istar on its journey forward.

Bombadil also reveals in The rings of power Season 2, Episode 4 that he had previously trained the Dark Wizard, indicating that the mysterious character's role in Middle-earth is directly related to the Istari in general. Although this still leaves much about Bombadil's nature and role in Middle-earth a mystery, It is much more of an answer than it was provided in Lord of the Rings. Of course, this in and of itself is a controversial divergence from canon Rings of powerS part.

How the Rings of Power changes Tom Bombadil compared to Lord of the Rings

Rings of Power has changed the nature of Tom Bombadil's neutrality

Tom Bombadil and the Stranger as seen in The Rings of Power Season 2 (2024) Above an image of the Stranger's vision of fire
Custom image by Lewis Glazebrook

Tom Bombadil makes it clear in The Lord of the Rings That he should not interfere in the fight of good and bad. In fact, although he is a lovable figure, he seems to have a very objective view of morality. He warned Frodo of the One Ring's power, so he understood its negative influence, but Gandalf later explained that giving Tom Bombadil Sauron's weapon to protect would be foolish since the being did not fully understand its importance and could even miss it. Like nature and middle-earth itself, Bombadil is inherently good but absolutely neutral.

Rings of Power made Bombadil the leader of the Guides, and while this keeps him from being overly involved, it still may be a bit more than Tolkien ever intended.

Rings of power He cut it a little. Rather than a neutral being unlike anything else in Middle-earth, Prime Video presents Tom Bombadil as something like an Istari. The wizards of Middle-earth are not allowed to fight Sauron himself, but instead lead the beings of Middle-earth in their war against him by passing on knowledge and assisting the greater plan. Rings of power made Bombadil the leader of the leaders, and while that keeps him from being involved, it still might be a little more than Tolkien ever intended.

Still, an argument could be made for Tom Bombadil's involvement with the stranger's mission. Rings of power Heavily implied that the stranger is Gandalf, and The iconic wizard primarily spent many weeks conversing with Bombadil after the One Ring was destroyed. What they discussed was never revealed in The Lord of the RingsBut it is clear that Gandalf felt it necessary to converse with Tom Bombadil once his great mission in Middle-earth was complete. Their relationship begins in history Rings of power fit into this. In general, there may be some differences, but it is clear that there is a greater purpose here.