The Day the Earth Blows Up: A Looney Tunes Movie is the upcoming feature-length Looney tunes Film starring Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. The sci-fi-themed outing will be the first fully animated one Looney tunes Theatrical movie and will focus on Daffy Duck and Porky Pig as they must learn to work together to save the world from nefarious aliens who use mind control. with Tom & Jerry Writer Kevin Costello on script duties and Looney tunes Veteran Pete Braungardt directs, The day the earth blew up is an important occasion in the nearly century-old franchise.
The Looney tunes Have made the jump to theatrical movies in the past, but films like Place jam And Looney Tunes back in action Blended live-action segments with the cartoons. Despite the franchise’s big theatrical debut, the development of The day the earth blew up was anything but smooth, with Warner Bros. shifting its release schedule several times since it was announced in 2021. Now, with early reviews are glowing raves (via IGN), it’s only a matter of time before that The day the earth blew up Gets a worldwide theatrical release.
Most recent the day the earth blow up news
The release date has been revealed
This comes more than a year after the project was scrapped by Warner Bros despite being a completed film.
A few months after the beleaguered animated movie was scooped up by Ketchup Entertainment and given a new life, the latest news confirms the release date for The Day the Earth Blows Up: A Looney Tunes Movie. Inching closer to the first-ever feature length theatrical release for the Looney tunesThe movie is now scheduled to arrive in theaters on February 28, 2025. This comes more than a year after the project was scrapped by Warner Bros despite being a completed film. Unlike Warner’s Coyote vs. Acme, The day the earth blew up Will actually release.
Ketchup Entertainment CEO Gareth West expressed his enthusiasm about the project:
For generations, the Looney Tunes have held a soft spot in the hearts of fans around the world, including my own. It’s a real pleasure to bring Peter Browngardt’s hilariously clever, emotional and gorgeously rendered story to theaters for fans and movie lovers of all ages to experience an all-new and original cinematic adventure with our friends, Porky and Daffy.
The day the earth blew up release date
The first fully animated theatrical Looney Tunes movie arrives in 2025
The Day the Earth Blows Up: A Looney Tunes Movie It took a long and winding road to reach its theatrical conclusion, and Warner Bros. even completely scrapped the project at one point. Destined to become a writer like Warner’s Coyote vs. Acme, The day the earth blew up was scooped up by Ketchup Entertainment, and will now get a full theatrical run. The distributor Has now scheduled the Looney tunes Feature to arrive on February 28, 2025. While the streaming future of the movie is unknown, it will be available theatrically.
The day the earth blew up cast
A veteran voice cast
Although the announced voice cast is quite small, it is nevertheless star-studded. Veteran voice actor Eric Bauza (Red & Stimpy) will be voicing Daffy Duck in the film, but is also known for voicing the likes of Bugs Bunny, Tweety, Marvin the Martian and a host of others. Joining Bauza will be Robert Bergen reprising his role as Porky PigAlong with Candy Milo as Petunia Pig. Famous live action actors Wayne Knight (Jurassic Parkand Laraine Newman (SNL) will voice small supporting roles while Peter MacNicol (Ghostbusters II) will play the evil invader.
The confirmed cast of The Day the Earth Blows Up: A Looney Tunes Movie including:
Actor |
The day the earth blew up role |
Eric Bauza |
Daffy Duck |
Robert Bergen |
Porky Pig |
Candy Milo |
Petunia pig |
Peter McNicol |
The invader |
Wayne Knight |
Homeless person |
Laraine Newman |
Housewife |
The Day The Earth Blowed Up Story Details
Daffy & Porky must save the world
There aren’t many specifics yet, but the premise of The day the earth blew up was revealed. The new one Looney tunes The movie will focus on Daffy Duck and Pokey Pig as the pair discover that aliens are plotting to take over Earth, and they’ll use mind control to do it (it’s unclear if Marvin the Martian is one of the aliens). The Day the Earth Blows Up: A Looney Tunes Movie will see Daffy and Porky put aside their differences and work together to save Earth, with a healthy dose of animated slapstick hijinks along the way.
The Day the Earth Buffed Up: A Looney Tunes Movie, directed by Peter Braungardt, follows Porky Pig and Daffy Duck as they inadvertently discover an alien mind control plot in a bubble gum factory. The duo must overcome their comic antics to save their town and the world.
- Director
Peter Braungardt
- Release date
May 17, 2024
- Writers
Kevin Costello
- Figure
Peter MacNicol, Fred Tatasciore, Eric Bauza, Candi Milo, April Winchell, Jeff Bergman