Long-range martial characters have certainly taken a hit in 2024 Dungeons and Dragons revised rules, but for hand-to-hand martial classes, the review is a mixed bag. There are certain scenarios where the revised Grand Weapon Master feat could work better for martial characters than its 2014 counterpart, and others where players will miss the power lost in the original. Although a literal reading of Great Weapon Master currently suggests that it applies to ranged weapons like longbows and heavy crossbows, this is probably not the intention and will probably receive errata. Hand-to-hand combat experts can rely on this, with some caveats.
Missing multiple Stunning Strike attempts per turn has made Monk a trap classas none of its damage or mobility capabilities keep up with dedicated martial classes. Limiting Divine Smite to once per round and requiring a Bonus Action removed the Paladin's usefulness as a damage dealer. Fighters and Barbarians are a little harder to analyze clearly, as they are both classes that can be built around the Great Weapon Master, but both come with new restrictions. D&D The martial arts of 2024 have lost significant power compared to the 2014 rules. The Grand Weapon Master remains vital for warriors focused on melee combat.
D&D's 2014 Martials Still Outperform 2024 Versions
The Great Weapon Master talent still helps, especially at higher levels
The 2024 revised Great Weapon Master feat offers additional damage with heavy weapon attacks equal to the proficiency bonus, but only with attacks made as part of the Attack Action. This makes the choice between Fighter and Barbarian a bit complex, as Fighters are the only class whose attack action goes beyond two attacks, but the Barbarian's damage resistance and hit dice make them better suited for a melee role. body on the front line that does not require a shield. The revised rules offer bewildering complexity with weapon switching, as D&D 2024 prioritizes “decisions over rules” and offers little clarity. Getting into a mess remains dangerous.
The Barbarian's Reckless Attack and Brutal Strike features can improve accuracy or increase damage, along with the Rage bonus. The extra attacks a fighter can make with the attack action still provide an advantage in melee damage, albeit with much less durability.
Comparing a Similar tier 8 fighter from 2014 and 2024 will show mixed results. A character with a +7 attack bonus, achievable with a Strength of 16 to 17 and a +1 Halberd, or a Strength of 19 from the power of Ogre Gauntlets and a non-magical halberd, offers a good example. In 2014 and 2014 D&Dsuch a Fighter can obtain Grand Master at Weapons and Master at Pole Weapons. Against enemies with 13 AC, the 2014 Fighter deals an average of 28.38 damage per turn when not using Action Surge. A 2024 fighter with the same talents and abilities deals an average of 24.3 damage per turn.
The 2024 Fighter does better against enemies with higher AC. Against AC 18, the 2024 Fighter averages 16,426 damage per turn, compared to 14.55 for the 2014 Fighter. However, most enemies tend to have lower armor class valuesunless the paradigm changes significantly in review Monster Manual. This means 2024 Fighter will only benefit from rare “boss fights” against enemies with higher CRand in such scenarios, simple spells like Faerie Fire can still provide Advantage, bringing the math closer to AC 13 calculations, where the 2014 Fighter wins. At high levels, the 2024 Fighter actually benefits more.
Among 2024 D&D weapon masteries, Graze wins
The broadsword is the best choice, as a heavy grazing weapon
THE D&D Damage can change future adventures, and the Monster Manual the review will obviously provide a fuller context for the balance, but it remains a constant in D&D what death is the best status effectso damage is important for martial characters. A pure damage focus combines the Great Weapon Master talent with the Graze Weapon Mastery. While most Weapon Masteries have negligible impact, serving more to slow down combat than contributing significantly, Graze is a valuable addition to damage per turn. The Greatsword is an obvious weapon choice as a Heavy Weapon with the Slash property and reliable damage.
Allegedly, the D&D Monster Manual will buff monsters with higher CR, so building effective characters is more important than ever. Since the new Great Weapon Master feat only adds damage to the Attack Action, a single-class Fighter will make the most of it, and the Battle Master subclass still offers the best synergy. The Precision Attack Maneuver can turn near-misses into hits, and other maneuvers are best reserved for adding damage to the 20 natural critical hits. Graze's value becomes clear. A level 20 fighter with strength 20 to 21 and greatsword +2 provides this illustration.
If a character cannot act, they cannot deal any damage. Defensive talent is a significant part of the equation.
Against an AC 22 opponent, such a Fighter deals an average of 49.5 damage per turn with a +2 Maul, a Heavy Weapon that has the same damage die but does not have the Slash Weapon Mastery. Using a +2 Greatsword, with Slash, the average damage per turn increases to 57.4. Taking advantage of Precision Attack further increases this, turning many near misses into hits. Action Surge will double any of these values, although it is a limited resource. Other talents and items can help ensure this damage is as reliable as possible, such as the Mobile talent that increases movement and allows the Fighter to risk Attacks of Opportunity.
D&D fighters also need mobility and defense
Talents like mobility and resilience help melee characters optimize their turns
ONE D&D finding balance shifts towards hordes gives less value to large groups of enemies. Still, the Great Weapon Master's Hew feature will probably have some use, although a bonus action attack cannot benefit from the Great Weapon Master's damage boost feature. Mobile increases basic movement and Winged Boots grant the character a flying speed equal to their walking speed, offering great synergy and helping melee characters face hard-to-reach enemies. In addition to these considerations, melee characters need to ensure that they can land attacks. For fighting style, Blind Fighting is the best choicenegating enemies' reliance on invisibility or displacement.
A Barbarian with the same talents and Winged Boots is also a reasonable choice for a Grand Weapon Master build. The Way of the Wild at Heart expands the damage types resisted by Rage. This Barbarian sacrifices the two additional attacks gained by a Fighter and the benefits of Action Surge, trading the ideal attack for much more durability.
If a character cannot act, they cannot deal any damage. Defensive talent is a significant part of the equation. Majority Spells and abilities that limit actions are resisted by Wisdom or Constitution saving throws. Warriors already have proficiency in Constitution saving throws and can choose the Resilient talent to gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, strengthening their defenses against the most common spells that impede actions. By choosing Blind Fighting as a fighting style, obtaining the Great Weapon Master, Mobile, and Resilient talents, and using Winged Boots, a Fighter can still contribute significantly, even in Dungeons and Dragons' 2024 review.
Source: Dungeons and Dragons/YouTube